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And the Winners are...

5/28/19 | School Articles, Hot Topics | by Mrs. Jill Fischer

And the Winners are...

    We are pleased to share with our community those who received the most votes through the School Advisory Committee elections.

    We welcome Patrick Reid, Tom Fabian, and Maria Cox to the
    Committee. We also welcome Therese Koutnik as recording secretary. We thank Maggie Spada and Melissa Maggliocco for their dedication to the Committee these last few years.

    We are also pleased to share the name of the new members to the Home and School Association. We welcome Michael Fix as the co-chair who will work with Courtney Gawryleski. We also welcome Hector Alfagame who will transition into the treasurer role held by Kristin Winter. We welcome Beth Gundrum who will transition into the enrichment coordinator role held by Kerry Case.

    Thank you to all of our outgoing members for your hard work and dedication in support of the school on behalf of all school families.