God is calling you to a unique purpose in life, a work of love that only you can do.
Please check our bulletin for changes to our normal schedule.
Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM
Mon, Wed, Fri: 8:30 AM
Tues, Thur: 6:30 AM
Saturday: 3:00-4:00 PM
Tuesdays: 1:00-7:30 PM
February 9, 2025
February 16, 2025
Sign up to receive a digital copy of our weekend Bulletin via email.
Gifts to the Catholic Stewardship Appeal fuel the vital ministries of the Church across the 10 counties of our Archdiocese, which supports the growing number of seminarians, education for deacon candidates and lay leaders who serve our parishes, young people receiving the sacraments and learning the faith through parish religious education programs and Catholic schools, and many more important ministries. A gift to the Catholic Stewardship Appeal is a powerful way to support ministries that strengthen the Church and serve people in need throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Thank you for your generosity, which truly does God's work.
Even when we can't be together, GIVING matters.
Mail or drop off your stewardship contribution envelopes to the Parish Center.
Download the “Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement" App then search for DOMINIC and select our parish.
To give, text the dollar amount to 833.251.1703 and follow the instructions.
Use our online giving web page for one-time or recurring gifts and viewing of online giving history.