Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Missionary Disciple?
Our parish defines a missionary disciple as someone who hears the call, consciously decides to make Christ the center of their life, and works to reorder their life around His will through prayer, the sacraments, discernment, and action.
Where did the idea come from?
The command to become missionary disciples is rooted in Jesus himself. As he was ascending into heaven and sending the Holy Spirit to be with his disciples on earth, he commanded the disciples to “go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28: 19-20). This command applied to the disciples then and was understood to apply to every disciple since. At our Baptism, we are baptized into the call to be missionary disciples: people who not only work to love and follow Jesus in their own life, but work to help others do the same. We do this not because we want people to follow some legalistic set of rules, but because we know from experience that life with Jesus is the best life there is and we want everyone to share in that joy and hope!
Why am I hearing so much about missionary discipleship now?
The call to missionary discipleship has been a central teaching of Pope Francis’s papacy. While he is not the only pope to speak on this, he is one of the most vocal in calling all Christians to be missionary disciples. He even wrote a whole book on it! For more information on what the Pope has to say, read Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel.
But I don't know anything! How can I be a missionary disciple?
Jesus didn’t call the smartest or most well-educated people to become his disciples. He called the average person. Why? Because missionary discipleship isn’t about what we know. It’s about who we know. All it takes to be an effective missionary disciple in the world is a strong relationship with Jesus. You are inviting people into a relationship with a person. Your own experience of the goodness of Jesus is a more effective tool than any degree or course.
What if I don't have a strong relationship with Jesus yet?
Follow the roadmap above to begin forming one! You can also reach out to any member of the formation department to get personal mentoring in growing your relationship with Jesus.