
The biennial Gala is a night of fellowship, fundraising and fun. Helpers are needed pre-gala and the night of the gala. Gala night volunteers join in the fun during the night. Work various shifts from 5:00 PM to -12:00 AM and receive bidder numbers, parking vouchers and a buffet meal.
- Bank: Evening of the gala—input purchases, take payments, and distribute receipts to guests.
- Catalog Design/Layout: Collaborate with the committee chairs of Gift Acquisition, Raffles, Class Packages, Student Art, Wine Pull and various people to obtain descriptions, letters and information for the gala catalog.
- Catalog Ads: Promote the placement of ads in the catalog from businesses and families, and provide information to the catalog design/editor.
- Class Packages: Recruit parents from each grade in our school to coordinate class packages. Recruited coordinators will correspond with class families regarding donations to fit into a themed gala basket. Most work begins in the fall before the gala. Class package coordinators are responsible for the setup of these items at the gala for the silent auction, the day prior to the event.
- Class Parties: Recruit parents from each grade to host a class party to raise money to underwrite the gala.
- Donor & Gift Coordination: Coordinate the items donated and gifts received.
- Environment: Work closely with the chairs to create the themed decorations.
- Flockers: Surprise! This is a pre-gala fun opportunity to raise money to underwrite the gala.
- Gift Acquisition: Help solicit parishioners with businesses, non-parishioners, and local businesses for silent or live auction items. You will be provided with a list of past donors. This work runs throughout the time leading up to the gala.
- Gift Distribution: Recruit volunteers and oversee the training and distribution of purchased items at the end of the gala evening. Most of the work will take place during the weeks leading up to the gala and on the night of the event.
- Formation Coordinator: Request donations from Formation families to create packages to be offered in the silent auction. Organize a Formation pre-auction event in conjunction with the class party committee.
- Photography/Video: Take photos/video that captures the story of the night and take guest portraits.
- Raffles: Assist in researching the ideas and advertising of the various raffle items.
- Reservations: Take reservations at the time of ticket sales and manage online sales. Assign seating for the dinner auction, label and distribute gala catalogs and create name tags for the evening of the gala.
- Silent Auction Coordinator: Coordinate and setup the items for the silent auction at the galal.
- Sponsorships: Coordinate the solicitation of parishioners and local businesses for monetary donations/table sponsorships, at different levels. The work will include the initial letter of request, and follow up with phone calls. Work runs throughout the time leading up to the gala.
- Student Art Projects: Help develop art projects for each class in the school.
- Gala communications: Design, layout and coordinate communications regarding all aspects of the gala.
- Transportation: Assist in organizing and communicating the transportation details to and from the gala.
- Volunteer Coordinator: Recruits and organizes volunteers for the night of the gala—registration, live auction spotters, volunteer check-in, raffles, heavenly portraits, gift distribution, silent auction runners.