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Join our Welcome Team

    Join the Welcome Team!

    Our parish is growing by leaps and bounds! We have been welcoming new members to our parish with such rapidity that we invite every single one of our members to officially join our Welcome Team. The Welcome Team has grown out of  our desire to ensure there is no stranger among us. Would you be willing to be a part of the Welcome Team so that every new member is warmly welcomed by our family? Where it goes from there is up to the Holy Spirit! 

    What does a member of the Welcome Team do? 
    Upon being matched with a new member, the Welcome Team calls to “welcome” them and provides an opportunity to answer any questions.

    Is that it? 
    Yes, but if the Spirit moves you to meet up with them or arrange a play date between your children, that would be wonderful! The hope is that you would become an ambassador for the parish making sure our new members know what is happening and feel welcomed in.

    What’s the catch? This seems too easy. 
    We are  glad you think so. Don’t be deceived, there is no catch. People simply want to feel like they belong and this is an effortless way to make that happen.

    Are there any other requirements? 
    Throughout the year, you may be invited to attend “Welcome Home” events that target our new families to foster a sense of belonging, as well as feedback sessions with fellow team members. 

    Does this sound like something you would like to be a part of as a means of service to the parish? Please contact Jill Fischer or 262.781.3480, Ext. 252 with your interest or questions.