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Meet Cherie Eckmann

9/16/21 | Church Articles | by Pastoral Council

    I found a home in St. Dominic Catholic Parish 18 years ago. I had been seeking Christ for a long time, much of my adult life actually. I found myself always waiting for an invitation, in quiet hope. Maybe even challenging God a little; if you want me - come and get me. At that point in my life, I had no realization that this was a prayer. At the time, I didn’t feel brave enough to tell anyone outwardly I was seeking God.

    He, however, accepted my challenge, and in His way continued to put faith-filled people in my life who had the voice I did not. Then, a few years after joining St. Dominic, a request went out during Mass announcements for adult chaperones for the confirmation summer outreach camp. I remember thinking, why not me? I knew I was being called, yet it took me a couple of weeks to gather up the courage to say ‘Yes’ to that persistent little voice. It was SO out of my comfort zone. Then, it happened. I finally found my voice. I went to the summer camp (actually several) and made life-long friends. I am fairly certain this was God’s plan all along. To this day, these beautiful souls continue to inspire me, and I continue to meet more of you along the way.

    Today, my voice continues to grow. I prefer to be part of the choir, not out in front as a soloist (Paul, before you ask, I cannot carry a tune). Every once in awhile, I catch myself out in front, and I smile at how God weaves miracles into all our lives. My voice grew confident enough to Lector on Sunday mornings, do Jail Ministry through St. Vincent DePaul, and now, join the Pastoral Council. Our Church has helped me to know Christ, and I pray daily to become Christ. If you are a seeker, please come find me. I’d love to help you find your voice!