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Meet Kevin Pasqua

9/2/21 | Church Articles | by Pastoral Council

    Meet Your Pastoral Council - Kevin Pasqua

    My wife Jill and I have been married for almost 25 years and have three children: Michael, 21, an Marquette University High School grad and currently entering senior year at the University of Dayton, and Elayna and Grace, 17, graduates of St. Dominic Catholic School and are now seniors at Divine Savior Holy Angels High School. Our family has been blessed to belong to many parishes including St. John the Evangelist downtown, where Jill and I were married,  The Franciscan Chapel Center in Tokyo Japan, and finally, our current parish, St. Dominic. We have been members of the parish for just over 7 years. We were drawn to St. Dominic by the exemplary middle school. What we found was not only a wonderful academic environment, but also a welcoming, faith-filled, vibrant Catholic community. 

    I am both honored and humbled to join the Pastoral Council. Jill and I had the opportunity to get involved in Missionary Discipleship training earlier this year and just recently started a small fellowship group. I am excited to be the liaison to Andrew Schueller and the Formation team. I very much believe that the continued development of small fellowship groups will help make St. Dominic an even more vibrant faith community than it is today. I also believe that it is critical to bringing people to and back to the church. I feel energized in my faith in a way that I have not been for a long time, and that is due in a large part to the faith community here at St. Dominic. I am grateful to be in a place where I can help build that for others.