Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Discover God’s Plan for Love, Sex, and Gender
Everywhere we look, we find more and more confusion about the most fundamental truths of human life. You may have heard about Theology of the Body, now you can learn the full story and gain a deeper understanding of the meanings of man, woman, marriage, and sex.
From beginning to end the Bible tells a story of marriage. Our bodies tell a divine story and proclaim the Gospel itself. “Theology of the body” refers to the study of who God is and who we are by reflecting on what God has revealed about the human body.
Discover the “whys” to the “don’ts” of the Catholic Church’s Teachings. Get the full picture to enable you to respond or defend against the world’s views.
If you are a parent, you know that kids are asking the questions. Do you know how to answer them? Theology of the Body provides the liberating answers to their most pressing questions about love, sexuality, and gender.
There will be time for education, discussion, and practical guidance for all adults.
Additional resources will be available to attendees.
Questions? Contact Jill Fischer at 262.781.3480, Ext. 252.