![Human Trafficking Collection](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMDM6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGczMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbSUyRmFjY291bnQtbWVkaWElMkYxOTYyNyUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZSUyRjBlMTg0OTA5NDVfMTcyNjE2MTgxM19ldmVudC1odW1hbi10cmFmZmlja2luZy5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMTAxMCUyNmglM0Q2NTglMjZmaXQlM0Rjcm9wJTI2cyUzRDBiYmE4MGExNGVkMDhlMTdlOWY1NGZlMmZjZWIyMjlhIjs=/event-human-trafficking.jpg)
Saturday, February 22, 2025, 4:30 PM - Sunday, February 23, 2025, 12:00 PM
Human trafficking is the exploitation of persons for commercial sex or forced labor without the victims’ ability to leave the situation. Traffickers often use force, fraud, or coercion to control their victims in this modern-day form of slavery. The St. Dominic Human Trafficking Committee is actively engaged in the fight to end human trafficking and to aid those who are victimized through supporting the organizations that directly, provide counseling, health and physical care, legal assistance, and places to live, as well as other assistance to women who are victims of sex trafficking.
We thank you for your participation and help in advance. If you’d like more information about this ministry or would like to get involved, contact parish member, Michelle Mindham
The requested donations are used to directly care for the basic needs of victims and support organizations such as Bakhita House, Franciscan Peacemakers, and the Benedict Center to increase the numbers of those helped for full rehabilitation.
Paper towels, cups, & plates
Toilet paper
Ziplock bags (all sizes & freezer)
Kitchen trash bags
Large garbage bags
Reynolds wrap
Sanitary pads and tampons
Coffee creamer
Individual packets of Kleenex
Travel-size toothpaste
Travel toothbrushes
Travel-size hand sanitizer
Chap Stick
New reusable water bottles
New bonnets & headscarves
Oil sheen & detangle solution
New wireless headphones & earbuds
New USB-C charging cords & wall adapters
Postage stamps
D batteries
New women’s gloves & hats
New women’s socks
Cleaning Supplies: Tide pods, Clorox wipes, Daily shower spray, vinegar, Pine Sol Gift cards: Costco, Pick N Save, Menards, Target, Aldi, Amazon, Walgreens, Walmart
$5.00 Food cards: McDonald's, Burger King, Cousin's Subs, Subway
Bus fare: 31 day (preferred) pre-filled MCTS cards