“No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people.” ~Pope Francis
Our Commitment to Vocations
If you are discerning a possible call to the priesthood or religious life, please contact one of our pastors to help you begin the journey of discernment. If you are interested in the permanent diaconate, please contact Deacon Greg Diciaula. You can also find information on women's orders, the diaconate, lay ministry and priesthood at the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Vocations page.
Please join us in celebrating and supporting these men currently in formation:

Dcn. Aaron Siehr
Deacon Aaron (Configuration IV)
Dcn. Aaron is a life-long member of St. Dominic Catholic Parish.

Scott Zarling
Scott Zarling (Configuration II)
Sr. Kaitlin Trokan
Sr. Kaitlin Trokan, St. Dominic alumni '10, professed her vows with the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, better known as the Salesian Sisters on August 5, 2024. "My vocation teaches me how to give myself completely to my sisters in community and the young people we serve in mission. I learn to meet God not only during my scheduled prayer times, but in the mission wherever young people are. I am grateful for all of your support and continued prayers, thank you and may God bless you."
To learn more about the Salesian Sisters, visit: salesiansisters.org, or contact Sr. Kaitlin at 20 Old Swartswood Road, Newton, NJ 07860.
Teaching Parish program
The Teaching Parish Program at St. Francis de Sales Seminary is a systematic approach and sequential formation process that leads seminarians to experience and understand the totality of parish life. With praise and thanksgiving, St. Dominic Catholic Parish continues to be recognized as a host site for this program. Our faith community has a love for the priesthood and welcomes seminarians into our parish family. Through this program, we are proud to have helped the priestly formation of the following men:
- Fr. Kevin McManaman
- Fr. Hugo Londono
- Fr. Luke Strand
- Fr. Phil Bogacki
- Fr. Michael Thiel
- Fr. Nick Baumgardner
- Fr. Alex Kren
Please pray for all vocations that were nourished in St. Dominic Parish: Fr. Jim Flaherty, Fr. Stephen Buting, Deacon Greg Diciaula, Deacon Jim Matthias, Deacon Kurt Peot, and Deacon Jeff Kucharsk.