Safe Environment Week

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee recognizes April 21–April 27 as Safe Environment Awareness Week. Each year in the month of April, which is recognized around the country as child abuse prevention month, we dedicate a week to elevating the general awareness of the Church’s efforts to keep our children safe. We want people to know that we are committed to maintaining safe environments in our parishes and schools through adult child abuse prevention training; criminal background checks for all clergy, volunteers working with minors, and employees; safety training for children in each grade level; and adhering to all mandatory reporting requirement laws.

Did You Know… All clergy, employees and volunteers are instructed to contact local law enforcement or Child Protective Services immediately if they are made aware of a child being sexually abused. All bishops, priests, deacons lay parish/school staffs, and volunteers are required to follow the mandatory reporting laws of the State of Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, all clergy and all school employees are considered mandatory reporters and can face legal penalties for failing to report suspected or known child abuse or neglect.

See more information at Safe Environment (



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Not Sure Where to Serve?

We can help you discern where your time and unique gifts can best be used for the benefit of our parish community or those in need!

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How you can help

The Church is not meant to be within the walls of a building. We are reaching out in creative ways to serve and support one another.

  • Pray. Pray for our priests that they may continue to shepherd and serve God's people with love, compassion, and joy. Pray that the Holy Spirt continues to guide members of this parish into a deeper relationship with Jesus and to go out and share the love and mercy of God with others.. 
  • Join one of our teams below. There is a place for you to offer your time, talent, and unique gifts. 
  • Give. Ministry is happening. We continue to develop new ways to engage and disciple our parish family. All giving matters. Every person. Every gift. Every amount.

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Can you spend time in the presence of Jesus?

Spending quiet time in humble adoration with Jesus offers you much needed grace and peace. Eucharistic Adoration is on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 7:30 PM. If you would like to become a regular adorer by committing to a 1/2 hour time slot, please contact Paula Magliocco at 262.370.1154 for current openings. We also have a sub list in which your name can be added.