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Catholic Moral & Ethical Choices

2/4/21 | Church Articles | by Mary Lestina

Catholic Moral & Ethical Choices

    With the release of vaccines for Covid-19, Catholics are reminded to discern the use of vaccines from a moral and ethical standpoint. Many modern vaccines are manufactured or tested using cell lines from aborted babies. This causes a moral dilemma in receiving these vaccines. The Vatican and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have deemed the first two COVID19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna morally acceptable. As more vaccines become available, a good source for information for Catholics is the Charlotte Lozier Institute

    The Wisconsin Catholic Conference of Bishops has also recently published a position statement, accessible at

    As Catholics, we should always be advocating with drug companies, politicians, etc. for the moral and ethical development of vaccines and medicines. The members of your Respect Life Committee are working to be aware of these and other pro-life issues. If you have any questions, or if we can help with your search for information, please contact Bob Boehler.