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Endings and Beginings

8/28/22 | Church Articles | by Fr. Dennis Saran

    Endings and beginnings…this time of year we are engaged in endings and beginnings. The seasons are changing, we can sense the autumn changes. While our liturgy remains in Ordinary time, we are revving up to begin our school year and formation ministries. This year, we have an ordination of a deacon and a loss of one as well. Jeffrey Kucharski will be ordained  along with seventeen other men as permanent deacons for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Jeff will serve here his first year, and hopefully, for years to come. We will be welcoming him as he serves at his Mass of Thanksgiving at 9:00 AM on Sunday, September 11. But, as is often the case in life, there is joy accompanied by sadness. Deacons are ordained for the archdiocese and although they often serve in the community of which they are members, many parishes are in need of deacons, who help with the homebound and other ministries. It would be very unusual for a parish such as ours to be allowed to have three deacons. Our parish has been asked to spread our good fortune to another parish. Therefore, that same weekend, we will be saying goodbye to Deacon Kurt Peot at all the Masses on September 10 and 11. 

    As we experience these changes at our parishes, they are reminiscent of the changes in our lives, and actually reflect the very paschal mystery we proclaim at every Mass. We look at suffering, loss ,and new life as a pattern that Jesus gave us in understanding, at least in part, the mystery of God. We know that although we may be gaining one joy-filled man, and losing another, we still remain linked in love as the Body of Christ. Knowing our lives are woven in this mystery, we can always feel close to God and the people we love no matter where they are.