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Forging Ahead

    Dear family and friends of St. Dominic Catholic School,

    We are the Knights!  We are the defenders of all that is sacred and true.  We value our academics, our faith, and our commitment to one another in service and community.  We strive to be courageous in our efforts and humble in our accomplishments. 

    These words grace the first page of the St. Dominic Catholic School parent and student handbook. These are the words we are truly living at this time of extended online schooling. We are forging ahead and are undeterred by the rapidly changing events surrounding us. As we returned from Easter vacation this week, we are more determined than ever to not let this current situation we are in get us down. I continue to welcome new families into the school and support our current families with open office hours.  Parents, teachers and students are able to “pop in” my office at any time of the “school day.” I am presenting daily messages to the families to help maintain a semblance of what existed before this great change occurred. The teachers are holding class and meeting with students live throughout the week. Parents are being valiant in their efforts; keeping us on point, their children on point, and their lives on point. A group of prayer warriors has risen up to contact and connect with each school family to lift them up in prayer. We are celebrating all that we are doing to be the hands of Jesus in our homes and in our neighborhoods. We are making cards and posters for hospitals, nursing homes, the elderly, first responders and as many people as we can thank for keeping life going.  We are rocking it!  We are determined to emerge better as a community for having banned together on behalf of our mission to inspire minds, develop character, and seek Christ. We thank our greater parish community for maintaining its support of the tremendous work being done in our school to bring children and families into relationship with Jesus Christ and one another despite our time in isolation. God is good! All the time!