Make Your Requests Known to God

The end (of summer vacation) is nigh! Soon the hallways will once again be abuzz with the joyous sounds of teachers and students engaging in learning. Needless to say, the building has been quieter than normal, and I am eagerly looking forward to having everyone back soon.
A new year means a new beginning. A new beginning can often cause anxiety or uncertainty in people. Lord knows that was how I was feeling last year when I embraced God’s call to become the next Principal here at
St. Dominic! Yet, I allowed myself to be fully wrapped in God’s presence and submit myself to the will of the Father, which provided a great sense of relief, love, and compassion, from not only the staff and faculty of the parish, but also from the many members and families of the greater community as well.
This was further magnified when our family learned that my father had brain cancer and required surgery. Through the grace of God and his wonderful medical team, he made a great recovery and the cancer has been eliminated as far as the doctors can tell. During this time, our family found great strength in the words of Philippians Chapter 4 verses 5-7: “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
The encouragement to pray is one that we all need. Here, there are four key words of inspiration. First, we can and should include everything in our prayers. Don’t leave anything out! Some things spring quickly to mind, but particularly when it feels as though the cosmos and its armies are against us, we should include everything. Second, in prayer, don’t worry; let anxiety drift away as we share our concerns, troubles, and trials with our heavenly Father. Third, give thanks to God, not for the trials, but for God, for His goodness, his presence, his listening ear. Fourth, make your requests known to God. We might be reminded of the Israelite slaves in Egypt who cried out to God, making their concerns about the trials and trauma that they faced everyday known to Him (Exodus 2:23-25). God heard and responded with love, mercy, and salvation. God will do the same for us if only we would humbly ask as well.
So let us approach this coming school year without worry or fear but rather embrace it and welcome the many new beginnings that will present themselves. May this school year be the best one yet!