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Meet Dennis Skrajewski

9/30/21 | Church Articles | by Pastoral Council

    My wife Debbie and I moved to Pewaukee from Rhode Island in 2014 for a job opportunity. Our oldest daughter, her husband and her 3 children followed, and enrolled in St. Dominic Catholic School. We all grew up on the East Coast, me in New Jersey and Deb in Connecticut. Deb and I have been married 41 years this October. I’m a semi-retired Healthcare Executive having spent over 35 years working in hospitals, outpatient clinics and physician practices. Deb is a Nurse Practitioner and serves as a Cantor at Mass. Our younger daughter lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and 3 other grandchildren. Our son, recently married, lives in Portsmouth, RI with his wife. We’re truly blessed with a wonderful family!

    Over the past few years our Lord has blessed me, and led me to grow in my faith and passion to serve and give back for all the great gifts I’ve received. In the past, I’ve served on 2 other Pastoral Councils, in New Hampshire and Philadelphia, and I’m excited to join the St. Dominic Pastoral Council. Our parish is alive! I’m honored and excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the Council, That Man is You, and our new Missionary Discipleship initiative introduced by Fr. Dennis. I am both honored and thankful for this opportunity to serve you and our parish!