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Meet Joe Stempien

9/23/21 | Church Articles | by Pastoral Council

    Welcome to St. Dominic Parish. You are the St. Dominic family we have grown to love, admire, and are now allowed to humbly serve in the role of pastoral council. Ever since my wife Liz (Orgovan) and I (children, Genevieve(8), Joey(6), Pearl(3), and baby #4 (due November 21) came here to Brookfield all the way from Coldwater, Michigan five years ago, we have been welcomed and embraced as friends in the parish. Five
    years ago we were asking God for his will to be done in us. We were searching, and quite frankly, lost in the small-town atmosphere that is Coldwater, Michigan. We had just started our family and desired to grow in our Catholic faith, friendships, and purpose. We were teaching in public schools in Michigan and not very happy with where we were at until we felt Jesus calling us from our pit of despair (self-made suffering due to pride on my part). The Lord called us to move to Wisconsin with only a three days’ notice; to leave all that I have ever known: my family/parents in Michigan, friends, teaching career, ambitions, comforts, in short, the things I thought made me happy, but were only illusions of happiness that I constructed in my own mind. St. John Bosco in his book of Forty dreams says the “boys who work for their own food, ambitions, desires eat the worst at the lowest level but the boys who let the Lord provide them their food eat the best” has rang to be true. We have been blessed with an abundance and now feel we have no choice, out of sheer gratitude, to give back in any way possible to the parish the Lord of the universe has called us to. I look forward to serving on the Prayer and Worship Commission. See you at Mass! I can be reached anytime or anywhere at 517.617.1991 or