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Meet Meg Anderson

8/19/21 | Church Articles | by Pastoral Council

    Meet Your Pastoral Council - Meg Anderson, Chair

    I have been blessed to call St. Dominic Catholic Parish home for over 40 years. Growing up, I observed my parents’ devotion to our parish; the way it allowed them to serve their community and grow deeper in their faith inspired me to emulate that commitment.

    During my youth, I attended St. Dominic Catholic School, and served as an acolyte, lector, and youth representative on the Parish Council; and throughout my single adult years, I served as a K4, 10th Grade, and Confirmation Catechist.

    My husband, Nathan and I joined the parish as our own family when we married, and we baptized our daughter, Susie here. After our return from a job transfer to Chicago, where we baptized our son, Georgie, we were delighted to come home to St. Dominic. While much of it felt new to us, the welcoming attitude among the parishioners and staff, the opportunities for prayer and worship, and the shared love of Jesus all felt the same as ever. I cannot effectively articulate the warmth and joy we felt from the parish when Nathan made his full initiation into the Church, or the sense of comfort and security we feel from the school, knowing the faculty is working daily to form our children into disciples.

    As I am serving a second term on the Pastoral Council, this is my 5th year; it has been an incredible vehicle through which I have been able to serve my parish, allowing my family and me to engage in so many volunteer and service opportunities to both the parish and the vulnerable communities we serve.

    Human, flawed and broken, I fail every day in my challenge to become Christ. However, the spiritual and service opportunities afforded me through St. Dominic, and the love I feel from our parish family, enable and encourage me to try and try again. I believe that St. Dominic’s mission is palpable; we are all here for one another, championing each other every day to become Christ.