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Pastoral Council Nominations

5/11/22 | Church Articles | by Pastoral Council

    It is time to nominate candidates for Pastoral Council. Selected members will serve a 2 or 3-year term.

    The purpose of the Pastoral Council — and the parish — is to form and equip disciples. An Intentional Disciple a person is who hears the call, consciously decides to make Christ the center of their life, and works to reorder their life around His will through prayer, the sacraments, discernment, and action.

    This commitment to Intentional Discipleship is at the heart of everything the Pastoral Council prays about, practices, and performs. All Pastoral Council members engage in and model intentional prayer and sharing their faith journeys. They work with the parish commissions and ministries to encourage the parish at large in the progression of their faith journeys as we all seek Christ, know Christ, and become Christ, Each for the Sake of All.

    Please look over the characteristics and eligibility requirements below and spend time in prayer, identifying parishioners you feel are gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve in this leadership ministry.

    Nominations are due by may 25, 2022.

    Nominees should possess the following characteristics:
            1.  the ability to collaborate; they lead with patience
    2.  a deep love for the parish and its mission; they lead with joy
    3.  a willingness to grow in holiness; they lead with faith
    4.  a desire to serve; they lead with humility
    5.  a broad vision; they lead with courage
    6.  a commitment to continuous learning; they lead with respect
    7.  a sense of  stewardship; they lead with wisdom

    Nominees must fulfill the eligibility requirements:
    1.  be baptized and a practicing Catholic
            2.  be an active member of our parish
            3.  be at least 18 years of age
            4.  not be an employee of the parish

    Open Liaison Positions
    Each member of Pastoral Council is a liaison to Finance Council or to one of the  parish commissions. As this is one of the primary responsibilities of the Pastoral Council member, it is important that the nominee feels especially called to one of these areas of ministry:

    • Finance: The Finance Council is responsible for ensuring the fiscal stability of the Parish. This is accomplished by reviewing financial statements, discussing the financial strategy, creating the annual budget that ensures the parish priorities are being funded, and ensuring appropriate processes are in place.
      *The two Pastoral Council representatives are active members of the Finance Council and not liaisons. Thus, the ideal candidate should possess a solid financial acumen and be able to view opportunities through a big-picture, parish-wide lens.
    • Human Concerns Commission: Gives direction and vision to parish outreach and prayer and support efforts. It provides support when needed for the various ministries that serve the parish and greater community. The Human Concerns Commission seeks Christ in the poor, knows Christ through the needs of our community, and becomes Christ to those it is blessed to serve.
      *The ideal candidate is a team player, open to understanding each outreach ministry within the parish. He or she is inspired by Christ’s life to further the parish’s vision through the work of its outreach committees.
    • School Advisory Commission: Works cooperatively to provide vision within the school community, balancing the concerns and beliefs of parents, teachers, staff, students, and the Pastoral Council. Members of this commission work on sub-committees as assigned.
      *The ideal candidate has a child or children enrolled at St. Dominic Catholic School and has a vested interest in the reciprocal relationship between the parish and school.

    You are welcome and encouraged to nominate yourself.
    Nominees will be contacted regarding their nomination and invited to an orientation as a Pastoral Council Nominee.

    If you have questions, please contact our Pastoral Council Chair, Megan Anderson.

    Nomination Form

     Download Nomination Form