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Reintroduction of the Precious Blood at Mass

2/20/23 | Church Articles | by Fr. Dennis Saran

    The archbishop has given approval for parishes to reintroduce offering of the Precious Blood at Eucharist. Still aware of the COVID concerns, he wants to reinforce that receiving the Precious Blood is voluntary, with reception of either being full communion. He has allowed parishes to restart in keeping with their training and resources. No one in the archdiocese has offered the Precious Blood for over two years. During that time we have lost several Eucharistic ministers. We also have a couple years’ worth of children who have never been offered the Precious Blood, and will need to be instructed. Before we can reinstitute offering the Precious Blood, we will need to recruit, train and retrain Eucharistic Ministers.

    All these factors have gone into our decisions about reintroduction. In order to gauge the offering, we will be reintroducing the Precious Blood at our weekday Masses starting February 27. We will not be offering the Precious Blood at our Wednesday 8:30AM all-school Mass as the children will need further preparation. It will be offered at Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

    Because it will require more preparation time for the weekend liturgies, we will offer the Precious Blood to the entire community starting with Holy Thursday Mass during Holy Week. Please be patient as we adjust to the needs of the parish. This plan may be subject to change depending on the number of ministers we will have to support our plan. If you wish to be re-instated as a Eucharistic Minister or you would like to become one, please contact Paul Burzynski, director of liturgy and music, 262.781.3480, Ext. 240. He will be arranging a training session for leaders and new ministers.

    Finally, while I know many have eagerly anticipated a return to this offering, many are still apprehensive and concerned about the offering. Understand that reception of the Precious Blood is completely voluntary, and in no way changes the completeness of communion. Please be patient with us and gracious to parishioner’s decisions.

    ~Fr. Dennis