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The Jesse Tree

11/17/20 | Church Articles | by Mrs. Jill Fischer

The Jesse Tree

    The Jesse Tree is named from Isaiah 11:1. There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.                  

    The "Jesse Tree" is the story of our salvation, and the symbols depict the "messianic" line, from Genesis to the birth of Christ. It is a tradition that dates back to the Middle Ages. The ornaments are colorful and are placed on the tree daily, throughout Advent, after reading the corresponding Scripture passage. The Jesse Tree can stand alone as a religious exercise for private use or as an act of prayer in a communal setting. The Jesse Tree may be used in conjunction with another family ritual, such as lighting the Advent wreath. As your family reads the Scripture stories, God's plan of redemption will unfold, and the awareness of God's saving love for us through the gift of His only son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, will become more profound. We can be inspired by the stories we read, and thereby enrich our own faith.

    A Jesse Tree can be made in a number of ways: by hanging ornaments on a bare tree branch set into a stand or pot; by using Velcro to attach fabric, felt, or embroidered ornaments onto a banner; or by hanging the ornaments on a traditional Christmas Tree. Download Jesse Tree ornaments to color and cut out for your Jesse Tree

    Jesse Tree Ornaments