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Welcome Mr. Francis Dempsey!

6/12/22 | School Articles, Hot Topics | by Fr. Dennis Saran

Welcome Mr. Francis Dempsey!

    I want to introduce, with much excitement, the new principal who will be starting for the 2022-2023 school year. He is Mr. Francis Dempsey. Mrs. Jill Fischer has served with distinction for the last nine years, but has been called to another mission. We had convened a search committee and they examined several applications and conducted interviews. Their choice was Mr. Francis Dempsey. He has graciously accepted our offer. His past experiences include four years as a social studies teacher at St. John Vianney. He was currently employed as a social studies teacher at Longfellow Middle School in Wauwatosa. Mr. Dempsey is being called back to work in a Catholic School setting. This will be his first job as principal, which was Mrs. Fischer’s situation at her hiring nine years ago. 

    We had an insider helping us, as Francis’ wife, Teri, is our kindergarten connection teacher. In another piece of good news, Mrs. Fisher has agreed to orientate Mr. Dempsey this summer and has already begun to make him feel part of our family at St. Dominic. He has been making the rounds on our campus and he introduced himself at all our Masses in June. I hope you will welcome him into our family of St. Dominic. I know he will be asking as well for your prayers. Thank you to the search committee who diligently worked to make the exploration for a new principal a success. I look forward to a wonderful school year this fall.