Welcome to Summer!

It is with great happiness that I welcome you all to Summer Vacation! I am sure that your kids are excited to have some time off from their studies and that you are excited to have more time with them as well. There will be plenty of opportunities for gatherings, relaxing, and, hopefully, some really great memories with family and friends. It is important that we also take time to recognize and realize that in our moments of rest and gathering how holy this time can be. I find that I am able to be at rest and truly relaxed when I am in a meditative state reflecting on the day, the week, or conversing with God about the ups and downs of my life. Pope Francis stated in 2021 “to meditate is to seek meaning: it implies placing oneself before the great page of Revelation in order to try to make it our own, taking it in completely.” Meditation, as a form of prayer, gives us a place to encounter God fully and to place ourselves in the presence of God in a multitude of ways: prayers of forgiveness, prayers of worship, prayers of asking…the list goes on. Over the summer, when we find ourselves with greater time for stepping back and relaxing, it is imperative that we also find time to connect, or reconnect, with God on a personal level and to welcome Him into our daily lives through the simple act of prayerful meditation.
Thank you all so much for such a great school year – I truly appreciate how much each of your families opened your hearts and minds to me in year one and I look forward to another successful school year come August! I hope to see you all over the summer!