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Follow Me

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I find Matthew 9:9-13 particularly compelling. It chronicles the calling of St. Matthew. Jesus sees him at his customs post (counting table) and simply says “Follow Me.”  With no words spoken (at least none that are recorded in the Bible) Matthew just DOES it ~ “he got up and followed Him.”    

Now St. Matthew is the well-renowned patron saint of accountants – so you can see why he holds a place in my heart – but the majority of accountants and tax collectors are not the spontaneous sort. There’s too much OCD control and discipline built in to the profession and ditching an incomplete task just doesn’t happen.   

Obviously, something overwhelmingly powerful touched Matthew’s heart in that moment, to compel him to professional negligence. So he followed. Without question. Matthew just Followed Jesus.

And then Jesus’ sitting at table with all manner of tax collectors and sinners just compounded the incredible nature of what was going on that day. Causing Pharisees to question Jesus’ judgment and cast dispersions on those Jesus chose to speak to and include.

Isn’t it revealing? The Pharisees who thought of themselves as righteous, yet had no mercy or kindness towards those who needed conversion the most. Don’t we see that scene play out every day throughout our lives?   Their hearts were hard and their ears were deaf to the clear message of Jesus.

But Matthew who was called, despite being scorned by many in society, didn’t hesitate at all. He knew deep down that he was a sinner. He knew that he needed to change. He knew that Jesus was the Way.

Each of us must likewise be the voice, calling the lost and broken to Follow Jesus.  And if we are the one lost and broken, don’t we appreciate when someone else in our lives cares enough to speak up.

Posted by Vivian Roe
