Ready the Way

Ready the way! Each year on the Second Sunday of Advent, we hear readings which focus on preparing for the coming of the Savior. The prophet Isaiah tells of the voice in the desert; (John the Baptist) calling to prepare the way of the Lord. The mountains will be made low, the valleys filled, the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people shall see it together! My particular favorite verse today is “Comfort! Give comfort to my people.” (Is. 40—1) In this particularly difficult time/year, we all are stressed, on edge, or just good old-fashioned burned out! How can we prepare the way today? How can we prepare a place in our hearts for the Lord when we are weary? Advent is a time of renewal as we celebrate the seasonal reminder of the presence of God with us. Indeed, the presence of God IN us. With God in us, we can heed the call of Isaiah who calls us to be comforters, to speak tenderly. And, in these difficult times, we can assure each other that like a shepherd, God feeds us, gathers us, carries us, and leads us with care. As we navigate our Advent and Christmas preparations during this time of pandemic, however that may look for you, let's bring God's comfort to all!