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We Are Gifts from God

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I have been described as a high-motor guy, although some mornings the oil doesn’t seem to get to the joints as quickly as needed. Conversations and projects requiring my attention are plentiful. My wife needs to remind me to eat when I get deep into a home project. To quote Professor Hinkle, “busy, busy, busy.” Strangely, I enjoy the pace.

Oh I relax, I’m known to watch a movie on the couch with my eyes closed. One of our joys is sitting at our backyard fire pit, especially after floating the day away in the pool. Sometimes there is conversation and other times just quiet. It is an opportunity to be alone in our thoughts or “just be.” Electronics are set aside and we observe birds singing to each other, an evening sky, and the wind in the trees.

Then it hits you. Everything, and I mean every person, place, thing, even our own lives, are gifts from God. Why does He give us these gifts? How do we use them?

The “why” is easy to answer. It is because He loves us, unconditionally, regardless of how we answer the “how” question.

God placed us here to be a gift to others. No pressure. We have a great example in Jesus. Love, listen, forgive, guide, and support. Focus less on what we don’t have. Thank God daily for what we have already received, even the minor things.

Be a gift to others, often in small, everyday ways. Spend time with an elderly parent or a friend in need. Listen to understand and not to reply. Let someone merge in traffic or go before you in a line. Hold a door open. Smile. For in giving we receive. Don’t worry, God has equipped us and will walk with us as we become gifts that keep on giving (and receiving).

Our mission statement says it . . . we are called to Be Christ each for the sake of all. Let’s get to work.

Posted by Michael Ricci
