Fr. Dennis Saran
Office: 262.781.3480, Ext. 222
I am a Chicago-area boy come to Wisconsin. Don't worry, I was always a Packer fan. My Wisconsin adventure started a long time ago when I entered residency at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. This led to a practice in Pediatrics in the Brookfield area for over 25 years.
About six years before my wife become ill, God started to call me to Him. This call, still as yet undefined, continued until I had a conversation with my wife; if anything happened to her, I thought I would try to become a priest. One year later, my wife developed cancer and died three months after her diagnosis.
I was accepted into the seminary a year later. I gave up my practice, sold my home, and spent five years in formation, which led to ordination in May of 2015. My first assignment was two years at Christ King and St. Bernard Parishes in Wauwatosa. Then, I was asked to follow in the footsteps of Fr. David Reith, who had led this fabulous parish for 13 years.
My faith is based on the fact that we are all called to respond to God's love. He loves us first, and in that invitation is answered a desire that is deep within all of us. Our love for spouse and family are echoes of our experience of God's love for us.
I have three daughters, two stepsons, and three grandchildren. I used to say, I am the only priest with a car seat in his car. Now, I am the only priest with two car seats in his car. As I practiced my entire medical career in this area, being assigned pastor of St. Dominic Catholic Parish is coming home.