Stacey Irvine
Child Minister
Office: 262.781.3480, Ext. 251
Stacey was born and raised on the northwest side of Milwaukee, and is a proud graduate of St. Bernadette School and Divine Savior Holy Angels High School. Stacey not only graduated from Carroll College once but twice! In addition, she has completed the Certificate in Lay Ministries program through the Saint Clare Center for Catholic Life at Cardinal Stritch University.
Needless to say, Stacey is now enjoying her role as the Director of Children’s Ministry at St. Dominic Catholic Parish, putting her education and experience to work to help children and families grow in faith, and deepen their personal relationship with God. Getting to know the children and their families through the Lifelong Faith Formation Program is a special joy for Stacey. Since the home is the first encounter children have with God and His Church, Stacey offers ways that families can work together to grow in their prayer, spiritual and sacramental life, and encourages conversations about what is shared in the classroom.
Stacey and her husband Jeremiah have been members of St. Dominic Catholic Parish since 2004. Happily married here in 2005 by Fr. Dave Reith, their three children, Emily, Alex and Ethan, were also baptized at St. Dominic and are currently enrolled at St. Dominic Catholic School.
As a family, they enjoy attending Mass every week, and participating in the activities and groups that make St. Dominic so welcoming.
Stacey enjoys cooking, scrapbooking and card making during the “spare” time she finds in a very lively household!