
The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord." 

Confirmation is one of the sacraments of Christian initiation in the Catholic Church and is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. Confirmation builds on the gifts each individual has already received through baptism and brings them more closely into the Church (The Catholic Faith Handbook, 2013, p.204).

Confirmation Date: Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Rehearsal Date:  Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 4:30-5:30 PM. (Only student and sponsor attend.)

The Process

Like the Disciples at Pentecost, Confirmation is a Sacrament in which we receive a new deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our hearts in an extraordinary way. This process is an opportunity for teens to be "strengthened by power from heaven, made true witnesses of Christ in word and deed, and be bound more closely to the Church" (Apostolic Constitution).  As such, our confirmation process is NOT a requirement to being a Catholic, an entitlement, or a graduation from a religious education program. It IS the permanent binding of an individual to the Church and seals them with the Holy Spirit perfecting the grace received at Baptism.

"Behold, I am doing something new..." Isaiah 43:19

The Confirmation process provides interested teens with a semester-long experience in which students are prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and full initiation into the Catholic Church preferably during their junior year in high school. Preparation includes regular Mass attendance, small group meetings, service experiences, regular meetings with their sponsor, a letter to the bishop, and a full weekend confirmation retreat. Our process focuses on the Sacrament of Confirmation, as well as various elements of what it means to be Catholic.

Confirmation preparation is not a stand alone process, but part of a much bigger journey of becoming an intentional disciple of Christ.

Confirmation is not "The End" but the beginning!

Upon being sealed with the Holy Spirit, the mission of being an intentional disciple of Jesus Christ begins. The effects of Confirmation are far reaching and even more fulfilling for those who actively live their role as confirmed Catholics.

  • United more firmly with Christ
  • Deeper participation in the Church
  • Strengthened to spread and defend the faith
  • Increased gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Discernment of God's call
  • Stewardship


Bishop Confirmation Candidate Questionnaire

Sponsor Letter of Reference

Why Junior Year

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee identifies junior year as the most developmentally appropriate time for an individual to pursue the preparation and reception of this sacrament. Individuals must have reached the age of reason so that he/she may understand its meaning most completely. The person must be baptized. They must freely profess the Catholic faith. They must be in a state of grace, following the laws of Christ an the Church and not be guilty of any serious, unconfessed sins. They must also wish to be confirmed and must be willing to be a witness for Christ.

Requirements for Confirmation

Individuals desiring to be confirmed must go through formal preparation for the reception of the sacrament in which certain expectations must be fulfilled. At St. Dominic Catholic Parish, we expect that all students participating in confirmation preparation have also been engaging in the formation and community provided through our Life Teen ministry and events throughout high school.

Parent/Teen Info Meeting: TBA

Small Groups
Each teen will participate in 12 weeks of small group which will start in the fall and finish up in spring. Teens will be given instructions at the Confirmation meeting how to sign up. Small group will be weekly except for holidays/breaks. 

When are small groups? Teens will be able to choose a time that works best for their schedule. There will be options on Sunday and a few week nights. TBA due to leader availability/recruitment.

During two of these weeks, each student will have a touch-base meeting with their small group leader

Large Groups
This year, we added large group, due to student feedback. They will be called "Confirmation Life Nights" and run in a similar way to Life Teen, but only for juniors and Confirmation-specific content. There will be two in fall and two in spring, on a Sunday night from 6:15-8:15 PM.

At St. Dominic, your sponsor will be involved in your Confirmation prep. The students will meet with their sponsor throughout the year, on their own time frame. I will host an initial training info meeting for sponsors and parents. Start thinking about who your sponsor could be! It is far better to choose someone local than long distance.

Who should you choose? Someone's faith you admire. They must be a confirmed, practicing Catholic. You just cannot choose mom or dad.

The two retreat options for this year are November 15-17 and February 14-16. Further instructions will be given for how to sign up, but for now you can think about which weekend works best for you.

Students need to have recent service experience. We do not require hours, but encourage students to do something meaningful. They have to write about service experience in their application to the bishop.

Small groups will do a service project together as a group sometime during the year!

Make-up Policy
If your teen is missing Confirmation prep meetings, we talk about it! Depending on the situation, it could be with the small group leader, me, or both. Busy work doesn't help our goal of reaching teens for Christ. If a teen does not communicate to their group leaders of their attendance, or misses a few in a row, it will be a conversation to see what's going on!

Letter of Intent to the archbishop
Each teen will fill out send to the  bishop. this is due in the spring. Please email to Suzette Hildebrand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my teen enters into St. Dominic Catholic Parish outside the standard timelines? We are glad that you are here! We understand how life can throw us curveballs, so we will work with your situation in order for your teen to begin preparations right away in order to meet the timeline for reception of the sacrament.
What if we can’t meet the obligations of the program? We understand that life happens. It is important that parents, student, sponsor, and the St. Dominic staff work together to support the reception of the sacrament to the best of our abilities knowing the expectations of the sacrament.
I have a pretty crazy schedule, can my parents teach me? We understand that Junior year in high school carries many responsibilities.  We don’t wish your Confirmation preparation to be “one more thing”.  We desire it to be “the thing”.  We would encourage you to make the time to prepare well.  Preparation involves doing so in a community.  We would prefer that attendance in small group occur.
When are the retreat dates? November 15-17 and February 14-16
What if my teen needs to come later or leave early for retreat? We are not able to allow late arrival or early release.
What if my teen  can't make a retreat? If they cannot make either of the St. Dominic retreat dates, they can attend with a different parish. 
When will small groups meet? Students will get to choose the small group time that works best for their schedule. Options will be determined once leader availabilities are finalized. Students will likely be able to choose between Sunday and a couple weeknight options.
How often will small groups meet and when do they start/end? Small groups will meet weekly through the end of March, but will  be off over the breaks/holidays.
Is there a parent meeting? Confirmation students and at least one parent are required to attend an informational meeting. TBA 
Is there a service requirement? We ask that teens do something meaningful and impactful that they can write in their application to the bishop. We do not require hours or “type of service” i.e. school/parish/community right now. Each small group will do a service project together some time during the year.
Who should I choose for a sponsor? An confirmed, practicing Catholic who you look up to. It cannot be a parent but it can be a different family member. You should only choose your sibling if they are a practicing Catholic. What to look for: Do they pray consistently? Do they have a relationship with Christ? Do they go to mass every Sunday? Do you admire their faith? Do they model a life of following Jesus? Will you be able to be vulnerable with them, open with them, and talk about faith?
What does a sponsor do? Sponsors will be part of your Confirmation preparation. Students will meet with their sponsor throughout the year, on their own time frame. Sponsors and students will have an initial training session, but then they will meet on their own schedule.
When does my teen need to choose a sponsor? Teens should choose their sponsor in September or October.


Candidates and sponsors meet 3 times. Aim for 1 hour, but it could be shorter or longer. Turn in the form below signed by both sponsor and teen by April 15, 2025. Sponsor/Candidate Meeting Form


Discuss life, the word, and pray together.
Meet wherever! A coffee shop, restaurant, one of your homes, even do something fun together then discuss!

  1. Catch up on life: Suggested questions: high lows, what’s been good? What’s been hard? How is your relationship with God? Are you feeling close to him or distant? How are your relationships?
  2. Read & discuss the Word: Scripture readings in each lesson, and the reflection it includes (Questions provided)
  3. Pray together: Begin in prayer and especially end your time together in prayer! Ask your candidate what they need prayer for. Pray for them consistently when you are with them, and when you are not. Tell them you are praying for them, then actually do it.
    1. Easy prayer format to begin in prayer: Ask God to bless your time together, that you may have fruitful conversation, to be open to the Word of God and what he wants to speak to each of you, and ask to be open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
    2. Easy format for ending in prayer: Praise God for who he is. Thank Him for the gift of your candidate, your time together, whatever else you are grateful for. Thank him for what he’s revealed in His Word to both of you, pray in particular about how God is asking you to apply what you’ve discussed to your lives. Pray for the specific needs your candidate has shared with you. Close by thanking God again for your time together and the gift of that person and the gift of being able to sponsor them.
    3. *Tip: Teach your candidate how to pray!! When they get more comfortable, encourage them to pray!

Tips & Encouragement: God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. Your candidate chose you for a reason, trust that. They saw something in you that they want to imitate. None of us are perfect, but the important part is seeking the One who loves us and calls us is beloved.

Sponsors, prepare for your time together.

  • Look through the lesson in advance and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your discussion.
  • Ask good questions! Listen more than you talk.
  • Outside of your time together, try to go to adoration, Mass, or do a service experience together. God uses imperfect people for his purposes – redeemed sinners who are still on a journey. You don’t have to be an expert, focus is on relationship – none of us have all the answers. Can add other things to your conversations of course! 

Prayer resources, other topics, etc.

  • Meet the student where they are at in their faith.
  • Challenge them to grow. Give them a certain challenge in their prayer life or living out their faith
  • Discuss which saint they are choosing to be their Confirmation saint!

Upcoming Events

Sun 3/9/25

Sunday Night Mass

Sunday, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Sunday Night Masses, led by our teens, offers contemporary music.

Thu 5/8/25


Thursday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Confirmation is sacramental celebration of an individual's mature and personal affirmation of the gift of...

View Calendar

Our Team

Our professional staff is a talented group of individuals trained in their perspective duties to give direction to the program and minister our teens and their parents. They also are responsible for training and ministering to the core team.

Fr. Tim Schumaker

Associate Pastor

Office: 262.781.3480, Ext. 224

Samantha Taylor

High School Minister

Office: 262.781.3480, Ext. 229

Suzette Hildebrand

Formation & Human Concerns Assistant

Office: 262.781.3480, Ext. 226

Our Core Team is literally at the core of everything we do. Our Core Team is a group of volunteer ministers who give their time and talents to accompany teens to seek Christ, know Christ, and become Christ. Very simply, a Core member's job is to share Jesus Christ with teens. Their job is relational ministry which shows teens that they are valued and loved by God.

Interested in joining our core team? Training and all materials are provided. If you would like to learn more about the Core Team, please contact Fr. Tim Schumakeror Sami Taylor