
The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord." 

Confirmation is one of the sacraments of Christian initiation in the Catholic Church and is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. Confirmation builds on the gifts each individual has already received through baptism and brings them more closely into the Church (The Catholic Faith Handbook, 2013, p.204).

Confirmation Registration Form

The Process

Like the Disciples at Pentecost, Confirmation is a Sacrament in which we receive a new deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our hearts in an extraordinary way. This process is an opportunity for teens to be "strengthened by power from heaven, made true witnesses of Christ in word and deed, and be bound more closely to the Church" (Apostolic Constitution).  As such, our confirmation process is NOT a requirement to being a Catholic, an entitlement, or a graduation from a religious education program. It IS the permanent binding of an individual to the Church and seals them with the Holy Spirit perfecting the grace received at Baptism.

"Behold, I am doing something new..." Isaiah 43:19

The Confirmation process provides interested teens with a semester-long experience in which students are prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and full initiation into the Catholic Church preferably during their junior year in high school. Preparation includes regular Mass attendance, small group meetings, service experiences, regular meetings with their sponsor, a letter to the bishop, and a full weekend confirmation retreat. Our process focuses on the Sacrament of Confirmation, as well as various elements of what it means to be Catholic.

Confirmation preparation is not a stand alone process, but part of a much bigger journey of becoming an intentional disciple of Christ.

Confirmation is not "The End" but the beginning!

Upon being sealed with the Holy Spirit, the mission of being an intentional disciple of Jesus Christ begins. The effects of Confirmation are far reaching and even more fulfilling for those who actively live their role as confirmed Catholics.

  • United more firmly with Christ
  • Deeper participation in the Church
  • Strengthened to spread and defend the faith
  • Increased gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Discernment of God's call
  • Stewardship

Our Team

Our professional staff is a talented group of individuals trained in their perspective duties to give direction to the program and minister our teens and their parents. They also are responsible for training and ministering to the core team.

Fr. Tim Schumaker

Associate Pastor

Office: 262.781.3480, Ext. 224

Samantha Taylor

High School Minister

Office: 262.781.3480, Ext. 229

Suzette Hildebrand

Formation & Human Concerns Assistant

Office: 262.781.3480, Ext. 226

Our Core Team is literally at the core of everything we do. Our Core Team is a group of volunteer ministers who give their time and talents to accompany teens to seek Christ, know Christ, and become Christ. Very simply, a Core member's job is to share Jesus Christ with teens. Their job is relational ministry which shows teens that they are valued and loved by God.

Interested in joining our core team? Training and all materials are provided. If you would like to learn more about the Core Team, please contact Fr. Tim Schumakeror Sami Taylor