
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me in this, says the Lord of hosts: Shall I not open the floodgates of heaven, to pour down blessings upon you without measure?” Malachi 3:10

2025 Annual Commitment Renewal

No matter our age,  we are all in a state of becoming. We are becoming someone every day, through what we read,  what we hear, what we view, what we do, and who we spend time with. So, who are who becoming? Are these things drawing you closer to Christ? Are they helping you love like Christ? As Christians, our becoming has a purpose and a person to imitate: we are meant to become more like Jesus.  We do that by following Jesus' way of life. The way of holiness, in community, pouring out compassion for others, and giving witness to the pathway of love. As a parish, what we are becoming is reflected  in what each of our members is becoming. How you steward your resources has a large influence on who you are becoming. 

In addition to supporting our current operating and ministry expenses, we are asking you to increase your gifts to support our parish goals of making Catholic education affordable for our families, providing teens the opportunity to encounter Christ through retreats, mission and summer trips, and building adult small group communities.

"We become who we love and who we love shapes what we become."
~St. Clare of Assisi

Online Commitment Form

 Stewardship Materials


Love and Money

The word "love" brings to mind heart-felt emotions, while "money" brings to mind the nuts and bolts of life. It might seem that one is, and should be, disconnected from the other. The reality is that our financial resources are but one more gift given to us by our generous God through which we are to extend love.

Financial support of our parish provides one powerful way for each of us to extend love in tangible, impactful ways beyond our personal "worlds." Through parish ministries, we extend love to the bedside of the sick and home-bound, we participate in educating our children in the faith, we comfort grieving families—and so much more!

Why should I give?

As good stewards, we come to the realization that everything we have, every blessing, every breath, is a gift from God. He has generously given us everything we need with the exception that in love and gratitude we share what we have with His Church and with those in need.

Your financial support enables our parish to operate and provide ministries to people in our community and beyond; to extend love beyond the limits or our individual reach.

How much should I give?

Financial support of the parish, given in love, is more than a number on a giving chart, a gift of habit, or a quickly picked "comfortable" dollar amount. The question of how much to give rests between each individual and God. The answer can only be found in prayerful, honest reflection of the true extent of God's generosity to us.

Faithful stewards understand that all we have, including our financial resources, is only ours to manage in this life according to God's plan and that God's generosity to us knows no bounds. The example of Christ's sacrifice stands before us. How will we respond?

How does income and expenses translate into tangible ministry?

In considering parish operating costs, it is important to remember that we are not simply "operating" a business. Our parish is a faith community with members called by baptism to a familial relationship with God and one another. This puts "operating" expenses into a completely new light.

The ability of our parish to become an amazing parish on fire with our faith and able to fulfill our mission at this particular time and place in history, rests with each one of us. Generous financial support is critical for the transformation of our lives and our parish.

Annual Report

We understand that people have a legitimate desire to know how the monies donated are used. It is imperative to us that parishioners are confident that their gifts are used in a responsible and effective way.

Each year, ministry leaders submit their budgets to the Finance Council in writing. The Finance Council reviews and determines the budget for each area based on expected available funds. 

An Annual Report is published and mailed to all parish households. Checks or payments require two signatures: pastor, associate pastor, or one of the two parish trustees. Biennially, a review of our financial statements is done by an independent firm. 

2024 Annual Report