The Bookshelf

Results filtered by “Holy Spirit”

Living the Mass: How One Hour Can Change Your Life

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Do you know what you are witnessing at Mass?  This is an easy to read and insightful book on the Mass. It is a book that is valuable for many Catholics who attend Mass simply out of obligation or habit, or for those who no longer attend Mass for various reasons, or for anyone contemplating becoming a member of the Catholic Church.

Most importantly, it explains how one hour spent at Mass on Sunday can transform the other 167 hours of your life each week.


Posted by Jill Fischer

Awakening Your Soul to the Presence of God

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It’s one thing to search for God and another thing to listen to Him once we have found Him. Many people never listen to God because they are not aware the He speaks to them.

Yet God does speak.

When does God speak to us? He speaks at all times, especially in prayer. Prayer is a conversation with God. But it is not a monologue. When we pray, then, we should also listen, because a good conversationalist is also a good listener. We do not pray well when we recite ready-made formulas quickly and distractedly.

We act as if God should only to listen to us, and that we have no need to listen to the thoughts and desires He wishes to for us.

Day by day, we must progress, seeing the hand of God in all things, being aware that He speaks to us and manifests His will in the joys, sorrows and circumstances of our daily life."

Posted by Dan Herda

Your Life in the Holy Spirit

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The book, “Your Life in the Holy Spirit” by Alan Schrek, offers a comprehensive explanation of the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life. We often talk about the Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ, but do not lose sight of the Holy Spirit who is a friend who longs to be close to our hearts.

"...I would like to suggest a personal image of the Holy Spirit that embodies all that he is and does for us: the Holy Spirit is 'the friend closest to our hearts.'

Granted, this is not a biblical image, but it is found in the fathers of the church. St. Cyril of Jerusalem taught that 'the Spirit comes with the tenderness of a true friend and protector to save, to heal, to teach, to counsel, to strengthen, to console.'

Our friend the Holy Spirit is close to our hearts in order to set them aflame with love for God and with zeal to witness to our faith. He is a friend strengthening us with virtues and gifts for the good of others and the church."