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Are you still scrambling with what to give up for Lent? I decided to give up coffee and 6 hours later found myself unable to do that. Knowing God’s forgiveness, I reflected more on what I need to do that will change my heart. For we know that prayer, fasting and almsgiving is the church’s invitation for us to enter deeply into the mysteries of the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord. But there is more to just “giving something up.” It is about CHANGE and adopting the life of Christ given to us. 

We see little signs of change in nature: buds on the trees and bulbs beginning to bloom in spring. It’s a reminder for us that new life emerges from the dormancy of darkness. Journeying with the Elect (those to be baptized at the Easter Vigil) and witnessing their change is truly a gift. We see how Christ is active in drawing them to himself; their hearts open for the many God-winks in daily life, their eyes open to see how God is working in their lives, and their ears open to the voice of the  Holy Spirit.

Fr. Dennis said we should not come to Communion unless we want to be changed. As we walk toward the altar to receive Jesus, He enters our lives in a tangible way and changes us into his image. That change may be small but it is effective. What change do we seek? What change do we need?

Prayer allows us to ascend the mountain as Jesus did in the gospel account of the transfiguration and to hear the voice of God. Imagine what it was like for Peter, James and John to witness our Lord’s transfiguration, to reflect on the experience, and later to share it with others after his death. It changed them forever and cemented their deep relationship with Jesus. 

Reflecting on the change we need in our lives, let us think about where we fail. Could it be our judgement of others or harboring grudges? Could it be our selfishness or self-absorption? How effective can we be when we allow the noise of the world to overpower us? Practicing little virtuous habits will result in big changes in our lives.

God chooses to work through us, as flawed as we are, to share Jesus with others. Come away from your busy life and spend some time in prayer, in silence, and encounter the One who loves you unconditionally. Bring your brokenness, your lack of faith or even your sinfulness to Him who wants to change you with his Love. 


Posted by Mary Lestina
