On Being Saints

We are called to be saints. To answer that call, we need to redefine what it means to be a person, not by the world’s standards, but by God’s. To be a saint is to be in unity with Christ, the highest call of our lives that requires reordering our life accordingly. As much as we might feel the need to jump to perfection, God doesn’t expect that of us and neither should we. The journey of holiness is taken one step at a time.
There is so much to say on holiness, so much to say about closeness to Jesus. But it is important to understand:
Holiness is not primarily something we achieve. Instead, holiness is something God achieves in us.
I used to think that if I just tried harder I would be holier. And to some extent that is true. I need to rearrange my life to make God my priority. I need to actually be the one to keep my mouth closed instead of gossiping or to physically stop myself from sinning. But holiness is a matter of the heart more than anything. And only God can change that.
Our job isn’t to make ourselves holy. Our job is to draw near to Jesus and let Him make us holy.
It’s not about effort. It’s about surrender. We go to Him with a yielded heart, we give Him the time, we invite Him in, and He will do all the work. But you must make the time. You must sit at His feet and let Him transform your heart.
And I promise you, brothers and sisters, you will never look back. You will never regret it. You will never feel like you’ve wasted your time. We were made to be near Him. So especially now, as we approach Christmas, what will it look like for you to draw near to Him? What does it look like for you to approach Him with a yielded heart?
I’m in the journey with you, friends. And I am so very happy to walk with you if you need a companion on the way. Just send me an email and we’ll set up a time to talk. That’s the best part of my job!
Want to talk? Please reach out to me below.