"If you believe it, you will see it."

I really try to have a positive attitude. More often than not, that serves me well. I have also been called names because of my rosy outlook—Pollyanna rings a bell.
One thing I have learned about living in a glass-half-full world, is that I have to do reality checks from time to time. Not only does this help me find balance, it also helps me build relationships with the people around me. It helps me be aware of those relationships in order to foster them, or not, in some cases. I truly believe that it is important to surround yourself with individuals that will help you become the best version of yourself as God intends.
When I arrived at St. Dominic, I used a phrase with the teachers—“If you believe it, you will see it.” I will remind them of this phrase from time to time especially when we are working together to meet the challenges we face. If we remember who we are and what we are here for, we will see the fruits of our labor accordingly.
As St. Julien says, "All will be well." If you believe in the good, that is what you will see. If you believe in hope, that is what you will see. If you believe that Jesus lives in each one of us, that is what you will see. If you believe that there is joy in the world, that is what you will see. The opposite holds true as well.
Despite my rosy outlook, I do get caught in the muck and mire of life. But I do believe that things happen for reasons. I do believe that God has a purpose for every moment. I pray for the understanding of the potential in those moments - the holy moments. For if you believe it, you will see it.