Welcome Home

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another..." Hebrews 10: 24-25

We are a warm and welcoming parish. We are a community of faith seeking hope, seeking forgiveness, seeking meaning, seeking grace - seeking Christ. We offer you a place to belong, a place to grow, and a place to serve.

If you are an inactive Catholic, one who has celebrated all the sacraments of initiation and would like to return to active participation in a parish, or have questions about the Catholic faith that are keeping you from active participation, please speak with one of our priests or pastoral team members. 

Kids are Welcome!

We know from experience the extra effort it takes to get to church and try to make it on time when you have little "bundles" to bring. We welcome and encourage parents to make Mass a part of your lives! You are building a life of joyful discipleship and planting seeds that will bear fruit in the generation to come, as you model being a follower of Jesus. Keep it up and know that we appreciate you making Christ a priority in your life!

We have a quieting area, but this is for your convenience, not ours. Use it as you wish, but your entire family is welcome in the church anywhere, anytime. We love having babies and children at our Masses! Fidgeting, singing, and crying are all sounds of life and sounds of a healthy parish! Don't ever feel embarrassed or out of place in the pews with your children at Mass.

Believe and Belong

We say the creed every time we celebrate Mass. It is what we believe. It is our story. It is who we are: beloved sons and daughters of the Father, saved by the sacrifice of the Son, and given new life by the Holy Spirit—an everlasting life.

As a family of faithful believers, we belong to one another and to our God. We gather together to worship, to grow in faith, and to support one another. Most importantly, we accept a responsibility: to help one another grow in holiness—starting with small gestures of love, mercy, and charity. This is what Jesus asks of us: to share His love and compassion with all those we meet. This is our mission, a mission that only we can fulfill in this particular time and place.

Listen to Fr. Dennis's homily:
Believe & Belong

Catholics Come Home

"There's an old saying that goes, 'Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.' Maybe you have been away from the Church for a little while or for quite some time, but now you feel a tug at your heart calling you back to the Catholic Church. Listen to that tug. It’s your Heavenly Father reaching his arms out to you, the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear, hoping to draw you home.

We hope you accept this as your invitation to rediscover the truth, wonder and mystery of the Catholic faith. As your brothers and sisters in our worldwide Catholic family, we want you back. We've missed you, and our Church is not the same without you.
Regardless of why you left or got out of the habit of going to Mass, you can always come home and return to the practice of the sacraments and the fullness of relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church He founded. We are Catholic. Welcome home."
~ Catholics Come Home


Safeguarding All God's Family

The goal of the Safeguarding All of God's Family program of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is to protect our children and all in the church family from sexual abuse and related dangers. As a faith-filled people, we respect and value each and every individual, as we are created in the image and likeness of God. St. Dominic Catholic Parish and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is committed to creating an environment of healthy and responsible relationships where all of God's family will be able to work, live and play.

For more information or to register for a training please visit: Safeguarding: Archdiocese of Milwaukee. There you will also find valuable information about child sexual abuse, as well as our Archdiocese's response to child abuse.
Parish contact: Michael Ricci, 262.781.3480.

Our Pastors