Give Us Shepherds
Our very own Dcn. Jim was featured in the recent edition of the Catholic Herald. A true shepherd for God's people.
Our very own Dcn. Jim was featured in the recent edition of the Catholic Herald. A true shepherd for God's people.
Not sure what to do when feeling anxious or lonely?
Dear family and friends of St. Dominic Catholic School, We are the Knights! We are the defenders of all that is sacred and true. We value our academics, our faith, and our commitment to one another in service and community. We...
The entire St. Dominic Catholic School community continues to strive to be courageous in their efforts during this unprecedented time.
Fr. Dennis is hoping to fill our church with photos of his parish family in their "pews" so that he will be surrounded by your visual presence while celebrating Mass privately. See the map and submit your photos!
The Archdiocese has created a guide to help you live Holy Week at home. Paul Burzynski, our director of music and ministry was a part of this effort.
Is it a sin to miss Mass? What is Spiritual Communion? Fr. Aaron answers your questions!