Reception of the Precious Blood
Reinstitution of the Precious Blood to Begin Holy Thursday
Reinstitution of the Precious Blood to Begin Holy Thursday
Save the date of October 14, 2023! We need you to make this an memorable event!
The archbishop has approved parishes to reintroduce offering of the Precious Blood at Eucharist.
Get involved with this year's High Interest Day on May 12. It is a fun day for students, teachers and guests. We are looking for your ideas, enthusiasm and skills!
I wish you could see what I see as I stand by the altar and look out at the community of St. Dominic who come to worship in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Seeing the faces of the young and the old—the occasional child who wanders...
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the Christmas and holiday season, I hope that you all are able to find some time to relax and spend quality time with one another and those that you love. Family - it is at the heart of what we do and what matters...
Happy Advent! Advent is the season that marks the beginning of the liturgical year and helps us focus on preparing the way and waiting with patient hope, joyous anticipation, and watchfulness for Jesus. This time of year is full of...