The Bookshelf

Mission Ready Friendship

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"Mission Ready Friendship: A Blueprint for Deeper Relationships and Life-Changing Faith" by Jason J. Simon spells out simple and incremental practices any Catholic can use to develop deeper, more purposeful friendships. Whether we know it or not, we all have family members or friends who are fighting hidden battles of doubt, alienation, isolation, guilt, compulsions, grief, or hopelessness. But often we don’t know exactly how to offer the Good News of Jesus to them in these struggles—at least not beyond offering our “thoughts and prayers.” Mission-Ready Friendship is a roadmap for how to truly befriend your friends, not by solving their problems for them but by going deeper to become the friend Jesus created you to be.

You will learn how to

  • become more invested, curious, and empathetic toward others;
  • pray for the people God has placed in your life;
  • be ready for the ways God is prompting you to build deeper friendships; and
  • bring intentionality to your relationships to accompany them closer to God.

Jesus himself used these practices with his followers and sent each of them to use mission-ready friendship to share his good news with others. It’s a simple but powerful approach to relationships that promises to change lives, including your own.


He Leadeth Me

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He Leadeth Me by Walter J. Ciszek is a powerful memoir that recounts the author's experiences as a Jesuit priest imprisoned in the Soviet Union for over 23 years. The book chronicles Ciszek’s deep faith, struggles, and spiritual growth during his captivity, offering a profound reflection on God's guidance even in the harshest circumstances. Through his narrative,  Ciszek shares powerful thoughts about trust, surrender, and the meaning of suffering. These are best taken in chapter-size bites so you have time to digest them. Ultimately, Ciszek reveals how he came to understand God’s purpose in his life, even when facing uncertainty and hardship. The book is a moving testament to resilience and the strength of faith in the face of adversity.  There is also content by Jonathan Rouime, Fr Mike Schmitz and Sr Miriam available on the Hallow app that can help you pace this book and more fully appreciate it.

The Lamb's Supper

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The uniqueness of Catholicism is the Mass. "The Lamb's Supper," by Scott Hahn reveals a fascinating and powerful aspect of the Mass that will heighten your Sunday experience and help you understand all the crazy imagery that is found in the Book of Revelation.

The angels and the communion of saints are always our companions but this book helps to understand more fully the supernatural drama that occurs at very Mass as we worship the Lamb of God and celebrate the Eucharist. If you are looking to see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the mystery of the Mass intelligently and powerfully, this book is a great choice.

Posted by Meg Picciolo

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