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Results filtered by “Meg Picciolo”

Heaven Starts Now

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"We need serious application of Scripture to our lives right now so that we can begin to live the life of heaven right now, not just to get to heaven."

This quote from Bishop Mike Byrnes is where the title of this book by Fr. John Riccardo comes from: Heaven Starts Now: Becoming a Saint Day by Day.

Fr. Riccardo takes seven areas that we grapple with in our lives every day and shares what Scripture says about them, so that we can begin to grow in Christ and surrender to the transformation of our hearts and minds.

The seven areas are:

  • Forgiveness
  • Fear & Anxiety
  • Suffering
  • Greed
  • Surrender
  • Praise and Worship
  • The Primacy of Love

Many of us wonder what God's will for our lives is . . . or we may know, but have not been able to say "yes" to His will, holding on to our own. 

1 Thessalonians 4:3: "For this is the will of God -  your sanctification." Paul, in this scripture passage, is telling us that God's will for us is to become a saint. That's the plan. So, what is your plan for achieving sainthood? If you don't have plan now, what is it going to look like or what could it look like? Fr. Riccardo shares some ways to get started.

If you have a desire in your heart to pursue  holiness, this book is a great resource to put your plan in place so that you too can begin to live the abundant life that is promised in Christ.

Posted by Meg Picciolo
Tags: holiness

The Lamb's Supper

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The uniqueness of Catholicism is the Mass. "The Lamb's Supper," by Scott Hahn reveals a fascinating and powerful aspect of the Mass that will heighten your Sunday experience and help you understand all the crazy imagery that is found in the Book of Revelation.

The angels and the communion of saints are always our companions but this book helps to understand more fully the supernatural drama that occurs at very Mass as we worship the Lamb of God and celebrate the Eucharist. If you are looking to see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the mystery of the Mass intelligently and powerfully, this book is a great choice.

Posted by Meg Picciolo

Time for God

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"Time for God," is another book by Jacques Philippe that is easy to read and understand and yet profound and full of life changing truths. It answers so many questions that you may be wrestling with in regards to prayer. This is not a book to read through quickly though, it begs you to take your time, to reflect deeply on a page or passage, and to slowly transform your prayer life, leading you to a closer and more intimate relationship with God. 
