The Bookshelf

Results filtered by “The Eucharist”

The Lamb's Supper

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The uniqueness of Catholicism is the Mass. "The Lamb's Supper," by Scott Hahn reveals a fascinating and powerful aspect of the Mass that will heighten your Sunday experience and help you understand all the crazy imagery that is found in the Book of Revelation.

The angels and the communion of saints are always our companions but this book helps to understand more fully the supernatural drama that occurs at very Mass as we worship the Lamb of God and celebrate the Eucharist. If you are looking to see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the mystery of the Mass intelligently and powerfully, this book is a great choice.

Posted by Meg Picciolo

Eucharist by Robert Barron

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Robert Barron, now Bishop Barron, has the skill to write about complex theological issues and make them understandable. Of all of Bishop Barron's books, I reference this most commonly.

The Eucharist is the foundation of our Catholic faith and worship. The meaning of Eucharist is 'thanksgiving' and this must be remembered as you read this book. But it is not a sense of 'giving' that we are to be thankful for, but rather a giving of total self, something we barely believe possible. This is the gift of the Eucharist. Bishop Barron finds a human expression in the story of Babette's Feast.

Frequently in worship, we refer to the Eucharist as a sacrifice. Bishop Barron walks us through the Old Testament and the concept of covenant, with sacrifice being the bond that holds the two parties in union. I'm sure all of us who were married could understand the sacrifice that goes into a good marriage, but yet the joy of communion is what we really remember.

Take some time and read this book slowly, and read it holding a highlighter. When you are done, the phrases and thoughts will strengthen your understanding of this most precious gift.

John Paul the Great: His 5 Great Loves

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John Paul the Great: His Five Great Loves, by Jason Everet

If you like St. John Paul II this book is amazing. It is also a great book if you want to learn more about him. John Paul is my favorite saint and learning more about his life through his five loves is inspiring. In particular, the sections on his love of prayer and of Mary left me wanting to pray more. His connection to God showed throughout his pontificate. -- Fr. Aaron Laskiewicz

Renew your faith by learning what enamored the heart of Saint John Paul II.