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Results filtered by “Discipleship”

He Leadeth Me

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He Leadeth Me by Walter J. Ciszek is a powerful memoir that recounts the author's experiences as a Jesuit priest imprisoned in the Soviet Union for over 23 years. The book chronicles Ciszek’s deep faith, struggles, and spiritual growth during his captivity, offering a profound reflection on God's guidance even in the harshest circumstances. Through his narrative,  Ciszek shares powerful thoughts about trust, surrender, and the meaning of suffering. These are best taken in chapter-size bites so you have time to digest them. Ultimately, Ciszek reveals how he came to understand God’s purpose in his life, even when facing uncertainty and hardship. The book is a moving testament to resilience and the strength of faith in the face of adversity.  There is also content by Jonathan Rouime, Fr Mike Schmitz and Sr Miriam available on the Hallow app that can help you pace this book and more fully appreciate it.

Interior Freedom

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This inspiring book by Jacques Philippe is beautifully written and lays out a plan of life based upon total trust and reliance upon God. It provides a deep understanding of the virtue of Hope and offers spiritual guidance to finding peace in a chaotic world and in our chaotic lives, families,  and our sometimes impoverished souls, which are all yearning for peace and hope.

Tags: hope, peace

Time for God

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"Time for God," is another book by Jacques Philippe that is easy to read and understand and yet profound and full of life changing truths. It answers so many questions that you may be wrestling with in regards to prayer. This is not a book to read through quickly though, it begs you to take your time, to reflect deeply on a page or passage, and to slowly transform your prayer life, leading you to a closer and more intimate relationship with God. 
