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Results filtered by “Mary”
in Mary

Mary and Me

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In her book, "Mary and Me," Ginny Kubitz Moyer asks the question, “How does Mary, the Mother of God, speak to the modern woman?” The book offers a compelling look at the breadth of Mary’s influence on women today.

Here is an excerpt:

“Several women I talked to tried to imagine what Mary must have felt at the Annunciation both during and after this surprise encounter.

Donna, a fifty-six year old elementary teacher said: 'I wonder if Mary had a few moments of wonder after Gabriel's visit. How am I going to explain this to Joseph and my parents?'

As an unmarried pregnant women, she was opening herself to harsh gossip and ridicule, even death under the Mosaic Law. Agreeing to say yes so quickly makes it all the more radical.

Andrea, a thirty-three year old marriage and family therapy intern said: 'What she did is hard to fathom at my age, let alone being a teenager! It shows us how we, today, can act on faith, even if we cannot understand what is being asked of us.'

It’s clear from my interviews that even though the Annunciation took place two thousand years ago, today’s woman can imagine it as vividly as if it happened yesterday. Whether they feel admiration for Mary’s courage or awe at her swift 'yes,' many modern women can’t help but become personally engaged in her experience.

In a way, that’s not surprising, for the Annunciation is far more than just one girl’s story: it’s an encounter that has the power to speak to all women everywhere. Through Mary’s response, we’re reminded that some truly amazing things can happen when we let faith overcome our fear.”

Posted by Dan Herda
Tags: women, mary
in Mary

True Devotion to Mary

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“If you put all the love of all the mothers into one heart it still would not equal the love of the Heart of Mary for her children.”

Pope St. John Paul II had a strong love for Mary.

When he was nearly fatally shot during his papacy, he credited the intercession of the Virgin Mary, specifically Our Lady of Fatima, with the miraculous saving of his life.

Growing up, Pope John Paul II was influenced in his faith by his local parish and the nearby Carmelites. He also had a very faithful father who regularly took him on pilgrimages to local Marian shrines.

As a young adult, he singled out one overwhelming influence with whom he says changed his life. He developed a strong devotion to Mary because of a book by Saint Louis de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary.

This book had such a lasting influence on him that when he was elected Pope, he chose his papal motto, Totus Tuus, from words written by St. Louis De Montfort:

“As is well known, (in) my episcopal coat of arms … the motto Totus tuus is inspired by the teaching of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort. These two words express total belonging to Jesus through Mary: “Tuus totus ego sum, et omnia mea tua sunt.” (“I am all Yours, and all that I have is Yours.”).

Results filtered by “Prayer”

What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Faith

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"What We Believe:  The Beauty of the Catholic Faith", by by Marcellino D'Ambrosio and  Andrew Swafford explains in a clear manner the essential teachings of the Catholic Faith including:

  • What do we as Catholics really believe?
  • What is our identity as Catholics and how are we called to live?
  • The amazing grace of Creation, salvation, and the power of the Holy Spirit in transforming our lives
  • The Eucharist and the sacraments
  • Becoming Christ-like through intimate prayer, the on-going conversion of our heart, mind, and soul, and by embracing compassion
  • And more!


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