The Bookshelf

Results filtered by “Jesus Christ”

Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple of Christ

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The book “Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple of Christ” by Edward Sri provided many insightful and inspirational
components for me. I was particularly provoked by the chapter entitled “Not Perfect, but Chosen”.  it correlates discipleship to the relationship between a rabbi (teacher) and a disciple of ancient Judaic practice. The disciple would choose the rabbi of whom they would wish to emulate. The disciple learns the habits of the rabbi to the point of losing themselves to the ways of the rabbi. This is what our relationship with Jesus is to be like but with key distinctions: Three of the distinctions are that Jesus chooses his disciples, He is not just a teacher...He is Lord, and Jesus is not only a role model to imitate, He abides in us, changing us from within.

Posted by Jill Fischer
Results filtered by “Kids”
in Kids

Children's Spirituality

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We have spent much of our energy on teaching children the things of our faith; having them know the Sign of the Cross, and common prayers. Little do we appreciate them as spiritual beings just like us grown-ups. I often think about the growth of God in their souls.

All human beings are spiritual. We have a “spirit- receiver,” and can use our conversations with children to stimulate their affinity towards God. Rather than worry about memorizing Bible stories, it is more important a child comes away from the Gospel stirred into thought and troubled into compassion, than if he or she is able to repeat back a lesson or moral.

Rebecca Nye, in her book "Children’s Spirituality: What it is and why it matters," tells us it is in fact the power of Godly play when we simply share the story with children, difficult parts and all, and then get out of the way allowing for the Holy Spirit to act. She gives us a method to encourage a child’s spiritual life. Here are her steps for sharing stories:

  1. Simply sharing the story as it is written.
  2. Get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit work.
  3. Offer to let them retell the story and play the story out to understand the meaning in their own way.
  4. Encourage them to “wonder about it”. There is no right way of understanding. Every response is respected, even honored.
  5. Address each wonderment with, “I’ve wondered about that too…hmmm.”

She encourages us to “facilitate wonder.” Facilitating wonder can be an attitude that is applied to a wide range of encounters with children. It is very helpful in nurturing spirituality. In this facilitation there are no “rights or wrongs’ but only, “I wonder.” Is that not where all our encounters with the divine leave us? I wonder.

Results filtered by “Living the Gospel”

The New Wine of Dominican Spirituality

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The book, "The New Wine of Dominican Spirituality: A Drink Called Happiness," by Paul Murray, OP is another great book to delve deeper into the life and spirituality of our parish patron. 

This lively and compelling book by Paul Murray OP names and celebrates aspects of the Dominican tradition which are at the very core of its spirituality. This tradition has often been described in the past, and for good reason, as scholarly and intellectual. But the lives of the Dominicans whose voices we hear in this book were also, and to an extraordinary degree, apostolic, exuberant, evangelical, risk-taking, mystical, and robust.

One of the things which has characterized the Dominican spirit from the beginning is a sense of openness to the world. Dominicans such as Thomas Aquinas, Jordan of Saxony, and Catherine of Siena, were not only impressive celebrants of grace. They were also defenders of nature. After the example of St Dominic himself, they learned to drink deep from the wine of God's Word, and became witnesses not only of certain great moral and doctrinal truths but witnesses also of an unimaginable joy.

One reason, in society today, why so many feel unfulfilled and are not happy is because the vision of life offered is one that is restricted to a pragmatic, one-dimensional view of the world. The Dominican vision of life we find presented in this book is one that is truly broad and joyous. It is a path of spirituality - a way - open to people of all kinds and conditions.

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