Padro Pio: The True Story

Padre Pio: The True Story is the best kind of book about a saint, perhaps because it remains faithful to its title. Padre Pio is an incredible and holy man and the author of this book does a fantastic job of highlighting those two truths: that Padre Pio was holy and Padre Pio was a man. We can often separate these two things and think the only way to be holy is to throw away our humanity. The saints, and the story of Padre Pio in this book, remind us holiness and humanity are not at odds with one another.
In this book one reads about incredible miracles and graces Padre Pio brought about in his life: Reading souls in confession, healing illness and injury, fighting with the devil, and bilocation to name a few. One also reads about his humor, pain, suffering, and struggles to follow God’s will for his life. These two elements show what sainthood is all about: the courage to follow God in the midst of our weakness and inadequacy and even sometimes the misunderstandings of our peers. Padre Pio is a saint not because he was perfect, but because he did not allow his imperfections to prevent him from following and loving God. If you are looking for a book which will inspire you to be a saint, this one is for you! St. Padre Pio: Pray for us!