Results filtered by “Good Reminders”


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How do our relationships with others also reflect our relationship with God?
As I pondered this question, my mind went to the work that goes into maintaining relationships. When people matter, we work to stay connected to them. I think about my family and my friendships. I am intentional about connecting with them. I have a reminder in my phone to call my mom so that I don't take her for granted. My brothers and I have a date with our families on the calendar every month so that we don't neglect each other. My husband and I make plans with our close friends frequently so that we don't lose touch. I make it a point to visit every classroom every day. If I miss this, I am disappointed in myself. Clearly, these relationships are all important to me so I put the energy in. If I understand this question correctly, the energy that I put into these relationships should be equal to the energy I put into my relationship with God.

I would have to say that my relationships with others is a reflection of my relationship with God. I connect with Him daily and sometimes more than once. If I do fall short, I am disappointed in myself and quickly make up for it. I learned early on that God always has time for me, He died for me, how bold am I not to even give Him a moment of my day in gratitude. He is the reason for my living. He is the reason for all that I have. I owe it to Him to pay a visit, give a call, spend some time. How about you?

He Teaches the Humble His Way

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Do you ever wonder if Jesus was ever in a bad mood? The scripture stories of Jesus' cleansing of the temple and His cursing of the fig tree makes one wonder. Matthew's 21st chapter begins with Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, I imagine that is where HIs sense of urgency comes from. Jesus questions the Pharisees' righteousness. They are convinced that they are good while others are "bad" and have closed themselves off to spiritual growth. As I think about this gospel in our current situation and in what we as a global community are experiencing, I can't help but think that we all need to give ourselves a self-righteousness check. Imagine how our world would look if we all listened to each other, and instead of focusing on our own righteousness, we focus on becoming more humble. "He guides the humble to justice, and teaches the humble his way." (Ps. 25:4) What might be the result? A world with more compassion, mercy, and unity!

God's Great and Vast Mercy

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Matthews 20:1-16 serves as a reminder for us about how great and vast God's mercy and generosity are. Our salvation is not earned, but freely given by God. 

Jesus provides salvation for all who accept His invitation, no matter the timing. Sometimes, we can be like the laborers who worked the fields all day, and think we are a "better Christian" somehow based on how long we have faithfully practiced our faith, how much we pray, or volunteer, or give to charity. Jesus wants us to focus on the fact that we should be thankful that we have been invited to "labor in the field" at all.

Christ invites us to focus less on comparing ourselves to others and more on our interior life; our personal relationship with God. Only when we strive to love God with all our heart, mind, and soul can we truly love our neighbor as ourselves.

Tags: love, mercy

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