Results filtered by “Prayer”
in Prayer

Spontaneous Prayer

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Another principial reminded me that prayer is not just about the words we say, but about the relationship we build with Jesus. It’s easy to hear this and think, “I know that!” But I challenged myself to wonder how we, as a parish and school community, can model this better for our children.

One powerful way to do this is through spontaneous prayer—simply talking to God aloud throughout the day. It doesn't require formal words or long prayers; it’s just sharing moments of connection with God as they come up. This can be a beautiful way to demonstrate to our children that prayer is a natural part of our daily lives.

I remember my grandma would pray aloud in the car whenever we heard an ambulance or firetruck's siren. She’d say something like, “God, you are strong, a healer, and protector. Please protect our first responders and those they help today.” It was short, simple, and heartfelt. That moment of spontaneous prayer helped me understand how easy it is to talk to God at any time, in any place.

Of course, we can also use memorized prayers as a family. These prayers are a wonderful way to teach our children the rich traditions of our faith. But incorporating moments of spontaneous prayer into our day—whether it's before a meal, on the way to school, or as we hear a siren—helps show that prayer doesn’t need to be complicated or formal. It’s simply about speaking to God from the heart, right when we need it.

I encourage you to consider building spontaneous prayer into your family routine. Perhaps a bedtime prayer, a prayer for someone in need, or even a simple “Thank you, God, for today.” These small practices can have a profound impact on our children, showing them that they can pray now, no matter their age, and that prayer can be as simple as saying, “I love you, Jesus. Thank you for this day.”

Posted by Brita Willis
Tags: prayer, jesus

Radiate Love

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Radiate Love: Do You Radiate Christ to Others?
Dr. Edward Sri

Do you realize the people around you are depending on you to pray every day?

I know that my wife and children, for example, need a lot more than my human love for them. They need Christ loving them through me. But that can only happen if I have a consistent, daily prayer life. I do sincerely love my family. But I also know my love is tainted by my own pride, selfishness, weakness, wounds, and sin. My wife and children need more that what I can give them on my own. They need Christ’s love supernaturally working through me. And that comes from daily prayer.

How about you? Consider the people at work, in your parish, and in your community, the people you serve: do you give them more than merely your own personal skills talent, wisdom, leadership abilities, or charming personality?

We should use all of our humanity, of course, to give the best of ourselves to  others in all we do. But the best of ourselves, actually, is more than ourselves. It is Christ radiating through us.

How about your family, your spouse, your closest friends—do the people in your life encounter something in you bigger than you are? Do they encounter Jesus Christ radiating through you?

Mother Teresa emphasized this point with her Missionary of Charity sisters throughout the world….they recite a prayer that contains this beautiful petition to Jesus: “Shine through us, and be so in us, that every soul we come in contact with may feel your presence in our soul. Let them look up and see no longer us but only  Jesus.

What a remarkable prayer! “Let them look up and see no longer us by only Jesus.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every soul we come in contact with each day—our spouse, our children, our friends, our colleagues at work, the people in the parish, the poor on the street—if every person we meet each day looked up and saw “no longer us but only Jesus!”

If we wish to truly radiate Christ in this world, we must be committed to daily prayer.

Tags: love, prayer

He's got This

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Apologies to my mom in heaven and sister in Vernon who will roll their eyes as the word “got” is used thirteen times in this reflection.

Walking through the school hallway, you hear some interesting phrases. One that caught my attention was “I got this.” This phrase was more popular when our son was in grade school, complete with an inflection at the end. A few years ago, our campus access road was named “you got this.” On the softball field, a fly ball is met with “I got it.” We are proud; don’t need anyone to help us. We got this. Right?


While it may be true that you and I think we “got it,” the truth is we don’t “got this” and we don’t need to get it alone. The Good News is God’s got it and He provides everything we need to get it.

Fast forward to the Mass of Remembrance, a beautiful part of the grieving process. How else can you explain it? Families coming together to put their trust in God after losing a loved one. Having participated as a grieving family the past two years with the loss of my mom in 2023 and mother-in-law in 2024, it became quite clear. We don’t got it. God does.

All of us have or know people who have challenges or are suffering . . . medical issues, mental health, relationships, finances, and a host of other things. I am not saying doctors don’t play a part (lest the Pastor get upset with me), and we certainly have an important role in dealing with our own issues and those of someone we love or simply know. God puts the people we need right in front of us. Sometimes we are the person who is called to be the support and guidance needed for another.

What can we do? Pray. Pray WITH others...right then and right there. Be Christ to someone in that moment. Don’t worry, He will give you what you need in the moment.

Lean in. “Let go and Let God.” Give it to Him fully and without reservation. Listen to Him. While we “got a little,” He’s got it all. All we need to do is ask Him and trust Him. One day we hope to understand His reasons for all that occurs in our lives, the blessings and the challenges. For now, just know . . . He’s Got This.

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