Results filtered by “Love”

The Big Reveal

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One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions was always going to dinner at my grandma’s house. In the corner of her dining room there was a wooden China cabinet, beautifully carved and holding a collection of colorful, decorative plates. These plates were special—used only for the most important occasions.

Every year, I would arrive at my grandma's house early, excited to help set the table. My first task was always to open the cabinet doors and admire the plates. Each one was unique, with vibrant colors and intricate designs. Some plates were delicate, with soft floral patterns in pinks and purples, while others featured angels with golden halos or paisley swirls in rich blues and greens. There were also plates with nature inspired designs—trees, birds, and leaves that captured the beauty of the outdoors. The plates were also different sizes and each one reflected its own charm. I always looked forward to discovering which plate would be mine. I loved the idea of each plate holding my delicious Thanksgiving meal, but even more, it was about the tradition, the beauty, and the mystery of which plate would grace my spot at the table.

What made the tradition even more special was my grandma’s secret touch. Before dinner, she would sneak into the dining room and place a name card beneath each plate. No one knew whose name would be under their plate until we were all seated. After we said our prayer, it was time for the big reveal. “Now, look beneath your plate,” grandma would say, her voice full of warmth. We’d lift the plates, and there it was—a name, neatly written on a small card. The name on the card was always a surprise, and it was always meaningful. Before we ate, we would go around the table, sharing something we loved or appreciated about the person whose name was beneath our plate. It could be a simple memory or a heartfelt compliment, but it always brought a smile and a sense of connection to everyone at the table.

This year, as Thanksgiving approached, I began thinking about this tradition in a different light. It made me reflect on our relationship with God. Just as my name was lovingly placed under my plate, I realized that God has our names always beneath His “plate”—the plate of His love. God created us, and He loves us deeply. That love never changes, no matter the season or the year. This holiday season, I am choosing to reflect on how much God truly loves me, and I am eager to understand just a little bit more of that unending love.

The Merciful Love of God

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Divine Mercy Sunday is my favorite Sunday of the whole liturgical year.

Why is it my favorite? Because it points us to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery which we celebrated last week.

The word ‘mercy’ comes from the Latin misericordia, which comes from the two words miseria, meaning wretchedness, misery, or affliction, and cor, meaning heart. The Gospel is the revelation in Jesus Christ of God's mercy to sinners, each and every one of us.

Blood and water flow from the side of Jesus as the soldiers pierce his side as he hangs on the cross. The heart of Jesus is pierced, for you and me. The blood of the covenant forever securing my redemption, and water that cleanses me, as I die with Christ in his death and rise with Him to new life.

This Sunday’s gospel is the story of Thomas putting his fingers in Jesus’ side. He gets a pretty bad wrap but, the truth is, that’s you and me, doubting the love and mercy of God every step of the way.

Jesus really died, really rose again, and in his resurrected body he has the scars of his wounds. In Jesus, the prophecy of Isaiah 53:5 is fulfilled. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his wounds we are healed.”

On Divine Mercy Sunday, may we be immersed in the infinite, deep, mercy of God and be reminded no one is too far gone.

Posted by Samantha Taylor
Tags: love, jesus, mercy

Live Loved

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Have you ever experienced an epiphany? That moment when everything you thought or ever believed was forever changed, but for the better. I sure did. My epiphany came when I was sixteen years old. This is the moment when I realized that the only love I ever needed, or shall I say needed to accept, was that of Jesus. For you see, when I was sixteen, I attempted to take my life because I just didn’t feel loved. I felt alone. I felt unwanted. This was all despite the tremendous love I knew I had from my family and friends. I was craving something more and just wasn’t getting it. I knew that love existed in Heaven. As it dawned on me what I was doing and what that meant for my soul, I prayed to Jesus that, should He get me out of this situation, I would surrender my life to Him. In trying to end my life, I saved it by placing it squarely in His hands. That epiphany carries me through life: Lord, my life is in your hands. The love I knew, but hadn’t accepted, was the love of Jesus, even though I had known Him my whole life.

While I have lots of words to express my love for Jesus and my undying appreciation for Him and His Blessed Mother, I wish to share with you the words of author Max Lucado from a small little booklet entitled A Love Worth Giving To You at Christmas (2002).

Accept the love that came in the form of a newborn babe. Accept the forgiveness and grace bought for you through the cruel, nail-piercing reality of the Cross. Accept his love won for you through the victory of his resurrection. Let this love worth giving fill you, flood you, and change you forever. Live in the knowledge and acceptance of this love. Live loved.

Remember, God loves you simply because he has chosen to do so. He loves you when you don’t feel lovely. He loves you when no one else loves you. Others may abandon you, divorce you, and ignore you, but God will love you. Always. No matter what.

It is love worth giving. To you.

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