Results filtered by “Body of Christ (the Church)”

Balance Brings Peace

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The Church is the Body of Christ. It is the collection of all of us working together.

The early Christians, the beginning of the Church, lived this quite completely as it truly was a matter of survival for them. They provided for one another's needs, supported one another in every way and learned from one another. That doesn't mean that they always agreed, but they remained kind anyway because their success in maintaining Jesus’s mission depended upon it.

They understood the greater mission - to be there for one another for God's sake. This is the fundamental understanding of stewardship - to give of your gifts to support your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Catholic schools, hospitals, orphanages, and all manner of missionary work is rooted in the concept that we are the Body of Christ.

The secular culture grabbed on to this with the phrase, "It takes a village." Indeed, everyone working together results in something greater than the individual parts. This can apply to any situation where people must work together as a team.

I am keenly aware of this as the instructional leader of the school. Teachers and parents, parents and students, students and teachers, etc. - all important interconnected parts that serve to bring about success in school. Interconnected parts that serve to assist each one in being the best version of itself. Interconnected parts that require balance. Balance brings peace.

Each of us has been gifted with our own set of strengths and limitations. Together, we balance each other out. We need each other to bring peace by respecting how the other parts of the body contribute to the whole.

Let us never forget that we are all working to inspire minds, develop character, and seek Christ so that we may know Christ, and become Christ, each one for the sake of all.

Results filtered by “Communion of Saints”

Joyful Witness

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Our VISION: To be a spiritual home that radiates the love of God, overflows with the power of the Holy Spirit, and joyfully leads others to Christ.

“Proclaiming Christ means showing that to believe in and to follow Him is not only something right and true, but also something beautiful, capable of filling life with new splendor and profound joy, even in the midst of difficulties. To be evangelizers of souls, we need to develop a spiritual taste for being close to people’s lives and to discover that this is itself a source of greater joy. To be Mission is at once a passion for Jesus and a passion for His people.” ~ Pope Francis

Does this quote from Pope Francis enlighten your understanding of the last part of our vision statement?

The Body of Christ, the Church grows through witness; a particular kind of witness – one that is joyful and also authentic. It is this type of witness to Jesus that will lead other people to seek, know, and become Christ.

Fr. Ben J. Cameron, C.P.M. in his article, “Joyful Witness to Christ or Proselytism?” shared what his idea of witness includes: 

  • Evangelization: bringing the Gospel to those who have not received or accepted it yet.
  • New Evangelization: bringing the Gospel again to those persons and societies that had once embraced it, but have essentially lost the Faith.
  • Catechesis: education and formation of those who have the Faith so that they grasp it more deeply and live it more authentically.
  • Apologetics: being ready “to give reasons for the hope that is within you” (I Peter 3:15), which can be a powerful way of bringing people to Christ and our Catholic Faith.
  • Christian Charity: a life which is truly based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church should be attractive to others, and lead them to Christ.
  • Martyrdom: the martyrs are the ultimate witnesses to Our Lord Jesus Christ; the word “martyr” means “witness,” and the willingness to die for Christ has led many, many souls to embrace our Catholic Faith – “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of Christians,” as Tertullian said in the second century.

Pope Francis has called each and every one of us to live and witness to Christ much more authentically and joyfully. And this joyful witness to Christ will attract other people to the Church. In the 17th century, St. Francis de Sales said that you “attract more flies with a teaspoon of honey than with a whole barrel of vinegar.” A true joyful witness will attract many persons to the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Catholic Faith.

May we all be such joyful witnesses, leading other to Christ!

Posted by Meg Picciolo

Take a Step Toward Sainthood

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Sometimes when I hear stories of the Saints, especially those who have stories of heroic martyrdoms, I can feel discouraged, because I wonder how on earth I could ever live a life of that much virtue or a life of holiness that I could courageously die for my faith or suffer through chronic pain or emotional sufferings without complaining.  

Recently, a friend started to tell me the story of one of her favorite Saints, St. Cecilia, who was a second century martyr, and I was prepared to be overwhelmingly discouraged by her story. However, instead of telling the whole story, this friend shared with me one moment of the story that she had been meditating on. Because it was just one moment of the story, I found myself saying, “I can imitate that virtue in her! That one thing is not too hard for me today!” 

Sometimes prayer feels overwhelming too; there are so many hurting people in our lives, Scripture can be confusing, or maybe we don’t know where to start with the Lord.  

Today, the Lord’s invitation to Peter and Andrew is simple: “Come after me.” He doesn’t expect them to have it all figured out. He just invites them to take a step as they begin to follow him. St. Cecilia, when asked her name as she stood on trial for her faith, was able to respond: “my name is Cecilia, but my more beautiful name is that of Christian.” She probably did not have the courage to say those words on her first day of following the Lord, but little by little as she took one step at a time, she came to know the Lord and the great gift of her faith. Don’t be afraid to take one or two steps this week. The Lord is good and just wants to love you!  


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