The Bookshelf

Something Other Than God

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"Something Other Than God: How I Passionately Sought Happiness and Accidentally Found It," by Jennifer Fulwiler is recommended by not only parishioners of St. Dominic Catholic Parish, but Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Brandon Vogt, who works as the Content Director for Bishop Robert Barron's Word on Fire Catholic Ministries.

Brandon has said, "Like Augustine and Lewis before her, Jennifer recounts her compelling journey of conversion through a colorful and stirring memoir.

Smart, inspiring, and absorbing, Jennifer's book will go down as one of the best spiritual memoirs since "Mere Christianity." It will lift her to her rightful place alongside Augustine and Lewis, troubled converts, talented memoirists, and courageous intellects who each followed the truth to its beautiful and unsettling conclusion."

The Only Necessary Thing

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In the book The Only Necessary Thing: Living a Prayerful Life, editor Wendy Greer collects writings from Father Henri J.M. Nouwen, a Dutch-born Catholic priest. Drawn from many decades of his life, the compilation of Henri's thoughts and feelings reveal the core of the man and his belief that prayer is the only necessary thing.

The love of Jesus will give you an ever-clearer vision of your call. The more you are called to speak for God's love, the more you will need to deepen the knowledge of that love in your own heart. The farther the outward journey takes you, the deeper the inward journey must be. Only when your roots are deep can your fruit be abundant.

Henri J.M. Nouwen, author of more than 40 books, is considered one of the great spiritual writers of modern times. He taught at the University of Notre Dame, Harvard, and Yale, but shared the last seven years of his life with people with mental handicaps as pastor of l'Arche Daybreak community in Toronto.

10 Promises of Jesus

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This book is a solid dose of hope. Through her own stories and the stories of others who have faced adversity and suffering, Marge Fenelon reminds us that, no matter what, Jesus is always there for us. Jesus understands adversity and suffering because he experienced them himself. And he promised not once, but repeatedly that he will turn our sorrow into joy if we but trust and follow him. No matter what situation you are facing, and how frail your sense of hope has become, this comforting, inspiring book will reassure you that Jesus is waiting to lift you up.

Marge Fenelon is an award-winning Catholic author and journalist, speaker and blogger whose writing has appeared in dozens of secular and Catholic media outlets. She is a columnist for the Milwaukee Catholic Herald. She was a guest speaker for one of our Lenten Mission nights in 2019.
